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Setup Two Control Surfaces? KORG NanoKontrol


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Anybody using two control surfaces? I finally got both detected correctly and setup. I can assign slider/pan/mute/solo to all nine on the first Nano but can't figure out how to set the second. I select it in the ACT but it changes the same 9 tracks I already have the first set to.

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10 hours ago, Dega said:

Anybody using two control surfaces? I finally got both detected correctly and setup. I can assign slider/pan/mute/solo to all nine on the first Nano but can't figure out how to set the second. I select it in the ACT but it changes the same 9 tracks I already have the first set to.

I have two of the original nanoKONTROLS, but I tend to use them as midi controllers, not as control surfaces to change Cakewalk itself.  I did test some control surface capabilities, but I used AZController, not ACT itself.  I have not tried to use both simultaneously as control surfaces, but if no one knows the answer, I could do some trial-and-error testing.  

As MIDI controllers, they work because they are on different ports.  One question I'd look into if I were to try this is: How can I (if its even possible) route controllers on different ports to different parts of the Cakewalk UI?

Again, I hope someone else can help, but if not, I could try as it might benefit me somewhere down the road.


EDIT: FWIW, I just set this up; maybe I will explore it later today (unless someone else can help).



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OK--I am going to try what it says here (setting the WAI for different tracks in hopes that one nanoK controls one track and the other one controls a different track).  

  • To do this:     
    • Change the group of tracks or buses that a controller/surface controls
  • Do this:        
    • Drag the WAI markers from one group of tracks to another group, or from one group of buses to another group.
    • Or
    • Right-click in the WAI strip, and choose Move > [name of controller/surface] > here from the pop-up menu.

Nope; I cannot make it happen; need someone who has had success with this before.  No matter what I tried, I get both nanoKs controlling the Console sliders for both tracks 1 and 2.  This kind of thing might be why I went with AZController instead of ACT.  I will try the AZController to see if that will enable the two nanoKs to be independent. 

[Image from Cakewalk using ACT removed--it didn't work]

UPDATE: (1) There's got to be an easier way!  (2) I will return to this tomorrow, but I did set up the faders on one nanoK to affect Console faders 1 - 9 using AZController and following this video step-by-step.  I will try setting up the second nanoK to affect Console faders 11-19 tomorrow (unless someone has an easier way to do it with ACT).

New UPDATE:  Set up second NanoK to work with Console faders 11-19. It works. ? 

Again, this is with 2 version 1 nanoKONTROLS. From what I have seen in the Forum, version 2 has a Control Surface mode. There  might be easier ways than programming it with AZController, but if not, following AZ's video works.  I just mapped 9 faders for this proof-of-concept.  Buttons could be mapped such as to Mute/Solo.  I only used Scene 1 on both nanoKs.  I suppose with scenes 2, 3 and 4 on each, I could map more console sliders.

But so far, I tend to use the nanoK for FX plug-in controls.


PS: These remain as before:


10 hours ago, User 905133 said:




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You can set 1 Nanocontrol as Master and the other as Slave in AZControl  and set them both in 1 Preset.


But you should have different Note Ons or CCs on both NanoControls! 

 If I know the functions you want to use I can write a preset for both. I should know the Midi Signals that both send on every knob...



P.S. I can see that there is a preset for nanocontrol 2 in AZSlows Website



Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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Thanks for chiming in on this, Bassman!  I will look to see how I set it up based on your comments.

I believe I am using the same preset within AZController.  Also, as MIDI-OX shows, the CCs are the same.  Here I just moved slider 1 a little on each. Port 1 is nanoK # 1; Port 2 is nanoK # 2.


Thanks for the link to the preset on AZSLow's site; I will take a look at it.

EDIT [20 Jul 2020]: Oh--that thread/preset is for nanoKrontrol2. From what little I have read, version 1 and version 2 are very different.



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3 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:

When both controllers have the same CCs, it would be better to have 2 Instances of AZControl and lead the different Midiports to them.

Yes--that's how I did it. (See screen shots above.)

3 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:

With 2 Instances and different Ports it should work I think....

Yes--it does work on my PC.


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