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(SOLVED) Is it possible to change Mute/Solo precedence?

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Hello there,

Cakewalk documentation says: "Mute always takes precedence over Solo", that means if you have both Mute/Solo buttons activated in one track, that track will stay muted. 


Is it possible to change that behaviour in Cakewalk?

In Cubase, Reaper and others, I can have muted tracks, and if I press Solo in one of them, that track will change to Solo. That's a very quick way to do A/B with reference tracks loaded into the project. In Cakewalk that's not possible because first the track needs to be unmuted, so there's an additional step. That's probably the only thing that keeps me from using Cakewalk for mixing.

Unless of course there's a way but I'm not yet aware of it. 

Thank you.


Edited by giovannibuchelli
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Hi Giovanni, I'm not sure if you can change mute/solo priority, but an easy way to check mixes with reference tracks is to create a "Reference" Bus and direct all reference tracks to it. Set the output to this bus directly to your main hardware o/p's and not your mix bus. Now select exclusive solo and you can toggle between your "Reference" buss and your "Mix" bus.  Another easier workaround  is to set the outputs of your reference tracks to your hardware outs (you don't want reference tracks to be processed by any mix bus fx anyways), then solo your mix bus.  Now when you solo the reference track that's what you hear, when you un-solo it you hear your mix. This way if you have several reference tracks you simply solo the one you want to hear. When you are finished comparing just mute all your reference tracks. If you have all your mix elements going to the mix bus you can leave this in solo although I always un-solo the mix bus. I hope that helps.


Edited by tonemangler
no need for exclusive solo on second example
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Actually I just realized, for the second example,  you can just keep the solo engaged all the time on the master bus, or whatever is the last bus in your project, and then you don't even have to mute the reference tracks, as long as their o/p's are set to the hardware outs of your interface. Just solo them whenever you want to hear them. Also to clarify my original post, if you only have one reference track you don't need to engage "solo exclusive" but if you have more than one then this needs to be engaged. Glad to help ?

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