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Recorded Track cut short

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I've never had or heard of this problem before. 

Does the waveform show for the whole length of your recording before you go back to start?  Is there a corresponding *.wav file in the project audio folder which is the original length of your recording?   If so, you might try importing that file directly into another audio track to see (or open it in another waveform editor).

Another thought, but it seems it may not apply if its happening in new projects (unless you are using a template for your new projects):   there is an option under Options in Track View to "Stop at Project End."   See if that is enabled and uncheck/disable it to see if it makes a difference.

Finally, a diagnostic step and possible workaround until you or one of the geniuses here figure this out - create a dummy track and import a MIDI track or audio file that is longer than your expected project, mute (don't archive) it, and then record your track to see if that makes a difference.

Good luck,  Bill


Edited by BRainbow
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When you say the last part, how long are you recording for? Are you missing the last chord, note, or beat of a song, or are you missing a complete bar or phrase? Not that this makes too much difference, but I'm interested to know just how much is missing.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got to circle back and spend some time on this. New info;

1 - Stop at Project end is not selected

2 - The underlying wav file is complete right up to the end, its just the view of it in the track that is missing the end.

3 - If you then import the wav file to a new track, it does show completely.

4 - I created a new project from scrap, same behavior.

5 - My old copy of Sonar x1 is working correctly. 

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Sonar X1 had Layers but I believe used Overwrite mode as the default for recording.

What it sound like to me is you are you using Take lanes and the take might be hidden by previous takes (just a guess).

What REC mode are you in ? Sound on Sound, Overwrite or Comping ?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm experiencing the same issue.  The majority of my settings were the same as Kenneth's, save these:

  • Stop at Project end is  selected
  • Record mode was set to Comp (I have changed that to Overwrite since reading this thread)

I rushed and deleted the tracks, not thinking to check the underlying wav file, I'll be doing that next.


EDIT for additional information

  • Still experiencing the issue, after making the change to the Record mode.
  • I was able to import the underlying wav file, and while it wasn't as truncated as the original track, it did have the very end clipped off.
Edited by Jim Goodrich
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  • 1 year later...

Hey Guys,

I had this same problem, Calkewalk tracks cut off at the end, and there was a guy named James on this Forum who said to try this: (In Cakewalk) Go to Edit, Preferences, Configuration File, ( You have to be in the advanced setting to see these options). Then reset Config to Default, then reset Config files,  everything works perfectly after that.  I take no credit but wanted to thank James, I would never have figured this out myself.  

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Reported this problem recently. Either a new Cakewalk clip is missing the last 2 seconds (but it's present in the underlying audio file), or Cakewalk starts recording 2 seconds before the clip starts when there is a 4-beat count in at 120 bpm ( which equals 2 seconds). The resultant clip is then 2 seconds out of sync. It only happens sometimes, not always. Some attempts to record a clip of less than 2 seconds result in no clip being recorded at all.

We've been juggling with buffer sizes, but can't get the problem to either go away or to happen on a consistent basis. It's not related to Snap settings, but when we increased the count-in to 8 beats at 120bpm, the delay doubled to 4 seconds.

Picture of example of a clip with a missing 2 seconds at the end, and the associated audio file attached.

We're using: 

Cakewalk 2020.05 Build 039
 Windows 10 2004 OS Build 19041.388
Allen & Heath ASIO driver 4.67.0
Intel i7-9700K, 16GB

Truncated clip.JPG

BW HIIT 6-3 - Bryony, Vox - BW HIIT Brony 6-3, Rec (409).wav

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