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Presonus is up to something

Sander Verstraten

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6 minutes ago, ensconced said:

Upgrade price for me is $230AU which is about $149US Roughly depending on conversion. 4 Pro to 5 Pro

Buying now.

I think I eventually got thev4 upgrade for $125...

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6 minutes ago, Bapu said:

It's up at jrrshop.com $149.95USD 

$127.46USD in cart.


At that price I may bite...however, although I've never been a fan of the subscription model, maybe if I do a year subscription (litle more than the upgrade would cost, it would put some pressure on me to finally really learn the software and decide if I want to start using it regularly. Kind of "try after you buy," since I've already invested in it, but never found the sweet spot for useage (mostly just mastering a project of several recordings/album). The live thing and collaboration might well be of interest, and the notation upgrade could help me a lot, too. 


Edited by Dave Maffris
wanted to add something
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