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Midi Velocity

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Hey guys, just a quick question but in Cakewalk is there a way to equal out the velocity of performances in midi? I don't mean to set them all exactly the same but to tell a clip to say have a minimum velocity and a maximum so you still get the dynamics of a performance but can quickly edit all the extremes.


Thanks in advance!

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MFX Velocity plugin is useful for many such operations too.

You can scale, limit or add and many things to velocity.


A midi effect, MFX, can be run on a selection by Process Effect - or inserted on midi tracks for realtime processing.

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You can also select all notes then grab a velocity bar in the Piano Roll view of any note and drag it up or down.  With this method if you grab one of the selected notes at Vel of 100 and drag up, you can raise everything no more than 27.. Anything above will stay at 127. If you need more,  grab a softer note. Likewise when lowering same principle applies.. If the note you grab is Vel 55, then you can lower all no more than 55.

This method can work great for midi limiting or midi low level enhancement while retaining as little or as much of the dynamics as possible.

Edited by Blogospherianman
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I like to use Find/Change tool for that if you happen to know what values are you going for. If not, there's always the Transform tool in PRV.

And there's MFX mentioned above, also great.

Edited by chris.r
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