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Filmscoring to Picture move Markers to Downbeat

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I'am new to CbB and looking  here for Filmscoring (unhappy with my current DAW ?)

Is it possible with a time stretch function to move Markers (Hitpoints in a Movie) automatic or to Snap Grid to a Downbeat? The Markers are (Lock to SMPTE time) but i can't find a Function to drag and draw a time stretch to move this Marker to a Down- Upbeat? In other DAWs it is called "TimeWarp". Move Marker Hitpoints  is major Function for Scoring to Picture....


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You can also try Fit to time.. works with midi or audio. If it's audio, you  can have it stretch the audio or enable audio snap (clip follows project) and use Fit to Time to adjust tempos then bounce the clips down.Very useful for many situations.. Drawing in tempo changes to manually make it fit works too.

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Thanks, but this all doesn't work on videos events with Hitpoints to Markers and locked to SMPTE. This ramp time between two points must calculated automatic.

- Drawing in tempo changes to manually - deletes the Marker Point locked to SMPTE.
- Fit to time works for events  to modify the speed of some MIDI, but not ramp a Tempo to the Markers.

Here is a Logic X example.


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