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Some scales disappeared when I exported the sound file


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My English is not very good, so some vocabulary may be weird.


If you see this post, please help me, few people on Chinese websites discuss bandlab?

The problem I encountered was that when I finished the whole music, I clicked on file~download~mixdown as~choose the audio file format I want, and some scales would disappear.

When editing the screen, all sounds are still there, and some sounds are missing after exporting


I guess if some parts are too loud, it automatically filters out some sounds

But I adjusted the volume of the disappeared part and exported it again, the problem is still not solved




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Your screen shot looks like you are using the bandlab app on line. This forum is for the Cakewalk version. 

There might be a forum for the Bandlab app as well. 

Cakewalk looks like this and there is an Export function in the uper left toolbar. DFownload is for bringing stuff in not out,, I dont think Cakewalk has that option. 



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Also, in Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB), you must select all of the tracks* you want to mix down. In your image, it looks like only 1 track is selected.

I don't know anything about Bandlab.

*Yes, I know there are other ways, but why make it more confusing?

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