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Norwegian - Kråkstad I Mitt Hjerte


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4 hours ago, thegaltieribrothers said:

Hi Gary,

Nice, lively Country & Western track which was an enjoyable listen.

Great mix as well.

Thanks for sharing.



Thanks for the comments Paul.

I have showed them to the composer and singer of the song,,,  he's really happy about the feedback on here.

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Hehe, Crowrown eller? Hilsen fra gammal Ski-gutt?

I love the love for the old Kråkstad town and it sure made me think of the old days growing up. I always found Kråkstad folks weirdly patriotic, however, I didn’t disagree with them. It’s a lovely community.  But this is hardly relevant for anyone else around here.

this sound pretty good to me! It sounds clear and polite. Personally I wouldn’t mind a bit more grit to the sound. But it is a good mix of a good song that really matches the country music-sound in this tiny country. I would have loved to hear what you would do when experimenting a bit more and get a slightly more unexpected result perhaps.

but I enjoyed the listen, the song and the lyrics. Well done to you all!

... og lenge leve Follo!?

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This is a REALLY excellent mix of an enjoyable song.  Great listening  ?  even though I didn't understand a word that was sung!  Two things caught me by surprise in the arrangement.  The keyboard solo since I did not hear the keyboard prior to the solo and the two lead guitars playing against each other in the second solo interlude.

I wonder if you realize how hard panned you have the two electric guitars.  To my ears the panning is too hard but it is a judgement call.

Last comment I would raise the level of the high hat just a little bit.  Right now I know the sound is present but I don't hear it.

I hope you will post some more songs showcasing your mixing.

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