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Request Key Bind for " Split at Selection "


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  On 6/5/2020 at 10:06 AM, chuckebaby said:

Cant you use the Shortcut "S" ?.

Position the now time over the place you want to split the clip and press S. OR.. Hold down ALT and click where you want the split.


No, he means a shortcut for "Split at selection", the second option in the Split dialog box, that cuts at both ends of the selected region. "S", or ALT + Click only splits once.

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Re. Alt while selecting -  Learn something every day!

Still, a keybindable "Split at Selection" would be handy. I'd personally prefer to draw the selection first (and zoom in to verify I'm not trimming off the front or end of a phrase) before doing the split. Also, there are many ways of doing a selection that don't involve drawing (clicking between markers, for instance), and you then might want to use as the basis for a Split at Selection.


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 I was thinking of Keybind  for the timeline selection -  but ALT selection then auto splitting is great. Thanks for that ! I hadn't stumbled on that before, but I bet it's in the fine print somewhere : )  I was thinking more from a macro view of the track to reduce key strokes. This definitely does that. and as John Bradley says making the selection at higher zoom would benefit from the key bind. The difference I see is that ALT select does not allow you to fine tune the selection a bit - you need to hold the ALT key and do the select as a single sweep -  I also like to set punch points when zoomed in and there the Keybind would be useful too.

Edited by RBH
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