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Free – Waves StudioRack new version


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  On 5/27/2020 at 1:28 PM, Zo said:

Do we update the old one or register a new one ?

V9 plugins reconised in ?.


Someone else can probably give better info, but a couple of notes from the product page:

Waves plugins: StudioRack v11 supports Waves v11 and v10 plugins. See our plugin compatibility chart and plugin latency chart.

Third-party plugins: StudioRack v11 supports 64-bit plugins only, and therefore does not currently support any third-party plugins. 32-bit SoundGrid-compatible plugins by other manufacturers will be supported in the future, pending the manufacturers’ schedule.

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  On 5/27/2020 at 1:46 PM, trager said:

Someone else can probably give better info, but a couple of notes from the product page:

Waves plugins: StudioRack v11 supports Waves v11 and v10 plugins. See our plugin compatibility chart and plugin latency chart.

Third-party plugins: StudioRack v11 supports 64-bit plugins only, and therefore does not currently support any third-party plugins. 32-bit SoundGrid-compatible plugins by other manufacturers will be supported in the future, pending the manufacturers’ schedule.


ok so it's like scheps omnichannel , can't use the V9 plugins ...useless here ...basically it's WUP or nothing .... Exellent concept but waves ...are waves /..

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I had no (zero) questions but maybe that's because I had the previous version.

I couldn't find any mention on the web page or PDF of supporting 3rd party plugins now or in the future but maybe I missed something.
but here's a quick feature list:

  • New supercharged version of Waves’ plugin chainer
  • Build powerful plugin chains using any Waves plugins
  • Move entire plugin chains between DAWs in seconds
  • NEW: 8 macros per chain to create your own ‘custom plugins’
  • NEW: Easy parallel processing with mono, stereo & M/S parallel racks
  • NEW: Turn any plugin into multiband with multiband split racks
  • NEW: Easy plugin search
  • NEW: Floating plugin windows for convenient plugin control
  • NEW: Over 170 presets for complete plugin chains
  • NEW: Waves V11 compatible
  • Optional: Offload your plugin processing to a SoundGrid server


Edit -  found this under Tech Specs...


Supported Plugins

Waves plugins: StudioRack v11 supports Waves v11 and v10 plugins. See our plugin compatibility chart and plugin latency chart.

Third-party plugins: StudioRack v11 supports 64-bit plugins only, and therefore does not currently support any third-party plugins. 32-bit SoundGrid-compatible plugins by other manufacturers will be supported in the future, pending the manufacturers’ schedule.


gobblygook - looks like they meant to say ' supports Waves 64-bit plugins only' but mangled things

Edited by TheSteven
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  On 5/27/2020 at 1:57 PM, Zo said:

so it's like scheps omnichannel , can't use the V9 plugins ...useless here ...basically it's WUP or nothing .... Exellent concept but waves ...are waves /..


I was going to ask and verify this very question: because I don't WUP, I have no plugins I can use in SOC. When I first got it, I could. I wonder if I can roll back to a previous version?  Yes, excellent concept, but useless in practice for us WUPless schmucks - same with the Scheps....

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Best things with this is the multiband support. There are a few other options out there but most of those are far more complex and resource hungry. 

This will actually make me use my waves plugins a lot more, as I often just want to apply FX to part of the spectrum.

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Very nice, but buggy as hell...

In CbB cannot use keyboard to search plugins and is listing in menu structures all possible Waves plugins (I actually have 4 available on my covid location machine so lots of useless clicking to find anything).

Also when trying to figure out why using keyboard is not possible it seems to display something invisible with focus on it as cannot return back to CbB, remove it or do anything other then kill CbB by Windows task manager.

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No questions for me either, I just cliched on "Get Studio Rack" from the Waves Site and it said it was added to my account.   I then  opened Waves Central and Waves Central updated and studio Rack was waiting for me to  install.    Maybe it's because I had the  previous version as well.

The new studio Rack look beautiful.  

I love the Multi band Split and the built in Waves S1 imaging functionality and also the Parallel processing Rack.  WHEW!!!!


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