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default open new project page is blank

Jessica Harper


when I open cakewalk and select new project, nothing no longer displays. when I go to file - New, i get a dialogue box that has incorrect location and audio path info and only offers a basic template. I've finished a project using this, but when it's time to export the project I only have two options: Mastermix with effects and mastermix without effects.  I usually have a multitude of options. 

i recently moved some of my cakewalk files: cakewalk content and cakewalk project files from my C partition to my D partition because the D partition has a TB of storage where as C only has 219. I was having latency issues, crash issues and audio dropouts when I was barely using the program. I mean, no effects just recording audio. I have started two new project, since I moved the files, with no issues. now all of a sudden im having issues starting a new project.

i've included screen shots of what i see when i try to start a new project via the normal way and via file. 

new project default.docxFetching info... new project box via file.docxFetching info...

Edited by Jessica Harper
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3 answers to this question

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Have a look in Preferences | File | Folder Locations. 

There you will find where Cakewalk Believes your files to be located.   Look down the list and you will see items, that I believe you will have to change to match your new locations.

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Thank You! That took care of that problem. 

While waiting for a response, I uninstalled and reinstalled cakewalk. I left everything in its original spot, but my start screen still isn't acting correctly. When I select new project the screen in blank. Do you know how to correct this issue or what could be causing it?

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The only thing I can quickly think of, is that in Preferences | File | Advanced , "On Startup Load Default Template" is deselected.  When this is selected, Cakewalk will load the template that you have set as the default template.

When you go to File | New, a dialogue box should appear asking you which template you would like to open.  Furthermore, at the bottom of that screen, there is "Set as default template".  This is to tell Cakewalk which template to load automatically when you first start Cakewalk - assuming the above "On Startup Load Default Template" is selected.  I am also assuming that in Preferences | File | Folder Locations that your "templates" location actually contians your templates (Whcih are *.CWT files)

I personally do not use the Cakewalk start up screen.

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