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Staff View

Jerry Gerber

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On 7/10/2020 at 5:13 PM, jieva said:

I too am a classical musician and really like using Staff view for composing.  Some Instruments I play virtually using a keyboard, some I record directly as audio and some I notate.  I can't do that in a Publishing tool like Sibelius but I do use it to print scores and parts if need be.  A previous post saying that staff view is unusable is not my experience and I can live with its limitations for my use and I will be quite happy when the snap function returns and the ctrl+right click is restored back to just right click.

Another reason that I like Staff View is that I can see more easily the "shape" of the phrases if that makes sense and for multiple parts can see where the melody, harmony and counterpoint move in relation to each other.  I find that really hard in Piano Roll.

Reaper notation is not Sibelius compared to Cakewalk for me.  I use both and find the reaper notation a bit more cumbersome to work with on the whole, however, it's snap functions are perfect!



I think this is true for standard music notation, not specifically the CW staff view. It's difficult to control contrapuntal music without SMN.  I can hardly imagine some of the great works by Bach, Mahler, Brahms, etc. being composed if standard music notation hadn't been invented and evolved.  The piano roll view (I suppose, I've never used it) can work for simple music, but when you start getting into 6 part harmony or 5 part counterpoint, you're not going to be able to fine tune and develop your ideas as you can with notation.  My only gripes with the current staff view is the oldest of all--the inability to display tied and dotted triplets.  I've gotten used it, and I can have affection for the imperfect, just as others have affection for me with all of my imperfections.  I write tied and dotted triplets whenever I need to and make the quick corrections in Sibelius for the the score.

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On 1/13/2022 at 3:26 PM, mgustavo said:

Hi, I'd like to report CbB have been closing without warning when I drag and drop copy or move chord names (chord symbols) on Staff View.

These are great bug reports, but I'd suggest you open a new thread in the Feedback section for them. Then they have a better chance of being noticed by the developers.

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On 1/15/2022 at 1:11 AM, Starship Krupa said:

These are great bug reports, but I'd suggest you open a new thread in the Feedback section for them. Then they have a better chance of being noticed by the developers.

Hi Starship Krupa, thanks for the suggestion to start a new thread to report this bug! But first I'd like to post it on 2021.12 Feedback thread because it seems it's related with the new update.
I've just made a test with earlier version 2021.11 and the bug didn't occur there!

However the issue where content is deleted when drag and drop pasting chord names to another measures is an older bug, which I wish to report soon.

Edited by mgustavo
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On 1/13/2022 at 11:26 PM, mgustavo said:

Hi, I'd like to report CbB have been closing without warning when I drag and drop copy or move chord names (chord symbols) on Staff View.
Although sometimes it works as expected.

EDIT: the current issue happens when trying to use drag and drop to copy or move chord names, but leaving Staff View notes on their places.

Also there's another bug which will delete chord names when tweaking with them as described above. Also some notes could be deleted with this procedure.

Best regards

This could be related to a paste issue we found shortly after the 2021.12 release, when pasting into existing clips.  It's been fixed, and will be available in the next release.

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Harold said:

How do I change the time signature in staff view?

Time signatures are entered in the Meter/Key view.

Go to View->Meter/Key and add a time signature / key entries at the bars the meter or key changes.

The staff view will automatically add a time signature/key signature change at those points.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi, I don't know if this is a known issue but I've had CbB closing without warning when drag and copy "expression" content in Staff View (words like "bend" or "fade out" written via Expression button on SV toolbar).

However that will only happen when using Smart Tool to drag and copy (using Select Tool will do the trick).

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10 minutes ago, mgustavo said:

Hi, I don't know if this is a known issue but I've had CbB closing without warning when drag and copy "expression" content in Staff View (words like "bend" or "fade out" written via Expression button on SV toolbar).

However that will only happen when using Smart Tool to drag and copy (using Select Tool will do the trick).

I've had CW crash occasionally while working in the notation editor too. It happens seldom or rarely.  I haven't used expression content, so though it may be crashing for you in that situation, for me it's usually when I drag and drop to either multiple staves, or some other closely-related task related to drag-and-drop.  Sometimes in order to avoid that I use copy and paste, because that has never caused a crash.


Edited by Jerry Gerber
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I'd like to report another issue related to expression content on Staff View.

I guess it's a known issue and it happens when I write words like "segno", "coda" or "||", which I’ll finish on Musescore after exporting staff as MusicXML.

The second step happens on Track View - if one cuts a midi clip containing those expressions the result is that last word written will be repeated where clip was divided.

Does someone else has seen this?
Thanks in advance!


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