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UJAM Finisher Voodoo

Larry Shelby

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Interesting that Finisher is a series, not a thing.    No doubt there will be a third one, and a package deal, at some point. 

I love Finisher.   I am happy with my setup for basic effects like  EQ, compression, reverb, spatial, limiter, etc., but I have a thing for multi-effects, and I love how Finisher is set up. 

I expect I will spring for the three Finishers when there is the next 50% off sale. Probably Black Friday.  Plenty of time to check out the demos before then.  ujam is such a great company.

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So I downloaded the demo and tried it on a few tracks - first impressions I cant say I was that impressed - but the good thing is the thirty day free trial - I can give it a thorough check out, see if it grows on me!!

Shame some other Companies don't do the free trial, though I suppose it might reduce sales if after thirty days  your impulse purchase mania has worn off!!!!!



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1 hour ago, Bajan Blue said:

So I downloaded the demo and tried it on a few tracks - first impressions I cant say I was that impressed - but the good thing is the thirty day free trial - I can give it a thorough check out, see if it grows on me!!

Shame some other Companies don't do the free trial, though I suppose it might reduce sales if after thirty days  your impulse purchase mania has worn off!!!!!



WARNING: Use of UJAM Finisher Voodoo may cause multiple exclamation marks.  


Another Nigel. 

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I can see some sexist lawsuit problems in their future if they don't at least try and make something similar for the ladies...

Luckily the solution is simple. All they need to do is take off one function and call it the Never Finisher.

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I like the original Finisher.   I haven't given this Voodoo a close listen yet.  The one demo I heard I actually didn't like any of the presets the person was fumbling through.    I like UJAM as a company a lot, I think they are coming out with great stuff, easy to use, super easy to understand interfaces that look nice, with excellent sounds.   

In my case especially, the Virtual Drummer series has had an unexpected upside in that it works supremely well with my Roland TD e-drums.  Literally plug and play and sounds great.  After I record the drums I can simply tweak sounds in the UJAM  virtual drum, or easily move or copy the drum midi to other drum VSTs for additional or alternate kit sounds.  But I digress.

This new Finisher - the thing that causes me pause is that it's all guessing.  You have the modes (that you can get a feel for) and then 150 presets or so.  As we don't know what's behind those presets, it ends up as either a great happenstance that you find one that suits the piece you're working on, or a bunch of wasted time clicking through the presets hunting for ideas.

It's totally different than approaching the idea of adding an effect where in your head you're thinking, hm, this could use some delay.  And start tweaking on a delay effect.   With this you're thinking, hm, this song could possibly use one of the 150 mystery Voodoo presets.  Well, I'll go through the list and burn up some time.

With that critique aside, because UJAM is a clever group and have these mystery sounds in these presets, I'm sure the benefit is when you match up a sound from this new Finisher that fits the song it probably will be a very cool effect that you likely never would have come up with yourself. 

And they do save a lot of steps in that they combine so many effects behind the scenes into these presets that from that regard, if you have a good preset selected, it's a time saver.

So, great presets (yeah!), but exploring them per time of use kind of takes energy.

I'll probably get it, but a bit apprehensive about the prospect of diverting time from actually working on my songs.

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I think you might have made a very good point re the presets and I think that's why I'm not getting on with Finisher - the names of most of the presets don't really give you a clear idea as to what they do - so you have to click through a load to try and find one that  does what you're looking for - it's quicker for me just to use say a delay/chorus/flanger / whatever and quickly dial in what I want - perhaps a better way of sorting and selecting presets could be something they could look at




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I see Finisher the same way as I see the Randomizer button on a synth.   You don't go to it if you have a precise idea of what you want, as you do with your go-to EQ, Compressor, reverb, etc.   You go to when it's kind of "why the hell not roll the dice and see what you get?"  If it sucks, just move on.  

It makes sense that it first showed up in Carbon, the weirdest product ujam has ever brought out.   It's supposedly a "guitar" or a "cinematic" instrument or whatever, but it's something else.

And when you found your weird sound in Carbon, you'd maybe spread a little Finisher on it and make it even more strange and unexpected. 

People loved this one feature in Carbon and they asked ujam to make it into an effect. 

And me too.

Plus I love the ujam videos where their instruments and effects make their head-bobbing customers's heads explode or they set fire to them.   It shows a certain pride in their products.



Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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