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Reaper updated to 6.10

Larry Shelby

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Changelog items below may include • links to more information.


save/load metadata with project

support wildcards in metadata fields

support embedding BWF data in WAV (if provided, metadata overrides render format options)

support embedding BWF data in FLAC via iXML

support embedding vorbis tags in FLAC, OGG, OPUS, including chapter tags

support embedding ISRC in WAV via bext/axml

support embedding ID3 tags in MP3, including chapter tags and album image

support embedding INFO and CART data in WAV

support reading BWF timecode from iXML data in FLAC files •


add option to display notation text in piano roll •

improve appearance of note text that extends beyond the end of the not

adjust for global midi octave display offset in parameter modulation menu

revert v6.09 problematic changes to overdub/replace recording with input quantization

send note-offs when changing project tempo during playback

send note-offs when duplicating active take

Take markers

improve label vertical positioning with mono channel mode on stereo media

allow more lanes of take markers, especially on non-audio takes •

avoid potential crash when media item source file is not available

do not show take markers for previous recording passes

fix adding take markers in various audio recording modes

support adding take markers to empty items


Super8: fix vclick: off mode

add midi_note_sanitizer

midi_logger: show note-ons as slightly green, note-offs as slightly red, add noteon/off analysis mode (sequential or grouped-by-note)

improve Windows gfx_getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys •

update Add-FX displayed effect name when saving plugin in editor


use case-insensitive sorting for Lua function list menu

add support for getting/setting project render metadata

add RENDER_TARGETS, to retrieve the list of files that would be written given current project render settings

improve Windows gfx.getchar() behavior for ctrl/alt+various keys •


add option to skip rendering files that are likely silent •

embed stretch markers/transient guides properly when rendering looped media

fix potential crash when rendering stems and target file cannot be opened

support embedding take markers as cues in wav files


snap project markers and regions following settings for snapping cursor

improve unsnapped movement of ruler markers/region edges

snap media items to take markers respecting preference to snap to other media items within X tracks

snap cursor/time selection/markers/regions to take markers only if preference is enabled to snap to media items


fix sending macOS command vs control modifier keys to VST3 plugins

fix sending panic all-notes-off to VST3 instruments

improve MIDI output bus handling when plug-in does not send events

when starting playback within one sample of the measure start, tell the plugin it is exactly the measure start •


preserve edits when user applies timing changes to media or imports as MIDI

preserve edits after undoing some types of split actions


fix performance issues with envelope points that are more than 2 billion samples apart

fix possible crash when envelope panel hidden during capture •


fix track routing window changing monitors when adding send

improve keyboard navigation in various windows

Media explorer

fix inconsistency between media explorer tempo match and project import tempo match •

parse year correctly from ID3v2.4 tag

support BPM and key metadata in ID3 tags


save project author as entered in project settings/notes dialog

save metronome click shape in default project settings •

Project bay

display values in fades column if any fade is present

improve fade column sorting


fix video playback for media that was previously forced offline •

fix possible crash when removing reversed video item


add $author wildcard for recording, rendering, file conversion

add $marker wildcard for render/batch converter (name or number of first marker in rendered timeline)

support $format wildcard properly when using secondary render format


re-show mouse cursor if UI element is destroyed while being edited


allow listview column reordering in Project Bay, Media Explorer, etc

Media offline

update arrange view when using actions to force media offline


improve loopable section creation logic with time selection auto-punch recording •


when startup script is used, preserve undo history but allow the user to immediately load another project without prompting to save


display CART data in media source properties


improve Preferences focus handling of Device tab •


  • Thanks 1
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