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Auto track zoom


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Why has the "auto track zoom" been disabled from shortcuts? This automatic by default - is frustrating. I can't seem to find separate binding settings for it in preferences. If you select one track to zoom, "aka" expand down on - it works as expected. As soon as you select two tracks or more to zoom down on, it expands all the tracks. ? It's frustrating. Holding down on Ctrl/Shift or Alt, does not work either. On previous versions, it was a GEM in my workflow. It has now become dreadful to use. ?



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27 minutes ago, Klaus said:

The shortcut for "Auto Track Zoom" is in the Keyboard Shortcuts "Track View" section and is named "Enter/Exit Auto Track Zoom Mode".

It's disabled. You can't enable/disable it from the keyboard.  The luxury of swtiching it on or of manually with  ex-keyboard shortcut "SHIFT+Z" has been disabled. It is now causing this problem if you enable it in the TAB leaving it on "Automatically" mode. 

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Just to give another data point:

I don't think it has been disabled, as it is totally as normal in my setup, running the latest version of CbB.  I have mine bound to CTRL-ALT-A as you see in the image, and it behaves for me like it always has. I too use this toggle all the time.


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3 hours ago, winkpain said:

 have mine bound to CTRL-ALT-A as you see in the image


Read the original post again.

There is no option for me to bind it to a shortcut in preference - as I said.

I am running the latest version. 

I'll just do a rollback and reinstall it later. See if that will fix a things. ?


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Right. Sorry for the confusion.

I was just saying I didn't think it's been "officially" disabled because the binding option is available here for me in the latest version. I know it's not really a help to have a non-answer to a problem you're having by hearing from someone saying "I don't have this problem", just an encouragement in that it's not apparently "by design".

I hope a re-install would fix it! It's certainly odd that it's not available to you in Key Bindings.

I will say that I have never known Auto Track Zoom to effect (zoom up on) more than one selected track at a time, 'though. Mine works like it is apparently doing in your video, and that is what I think of as normal.

Good luck!

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On 5/20/2020 at 12:19 AM, winkpain said:

Right. Sorry for the confusion.

I was just saying I didn't think it's been "officially" disabled because the binding option is available here for me in the latest version. I know it's not really a help to have a non-answer to a problem you're having by hearing from someone saying "I don't have this problem", just an encouragement in that it's not apparently "by design".

I hope a re-install would fix it! It's certainly odd that it's not available to you in Key Bindings.

I will say that I have never known Auto Track Zoom to effect (zoom up on) more than one selected track at a time, 'though. Mine works like it is apparently doing in your video, and that is what I think of as normal.

Good luck!

? Before this - if you've selected only two tracks, it would only zoom those two selected tracks out as, not the entire project as seen in the OP - by holding down on "Alt." ? It's all good though, don't sweat it. I haven't gotten to the rollback and reinstallation yet. 


Edited by Will_Kaydo
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