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Make lock/unlock screensets command assignable to a hotkey or the custom module.


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My workflow is heavily dependent upon screensets and I strongly prefer using hotkeys over mouse clicking, especially through menus. Unless I've missed something it seems the lock/unlock command for screensets can only be accessed through clicking the drop down menu in the screenset module.

I keep my screensets locked because most of the time I'll make changes to do one thing, but I'll want it my view back to "normal"  afterwards. But often enough I'll want to tweak a screenset for a particular project from that point forward. It would save a few annoying clicks if I could just hit a hot key twice to effectively save my changes to the current screenset and have it locked again.

Alternatively, being able to assign the command to the custom module would be almost as great. Yeah, this is a pretty niche ask, I know. Cheers.


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My issue with this is that I want to have certain views (Console specifically) chosen by a screenset number to open in full screen and then to lock that screenset. This can only be done, as you say, with the drop-down menu on the control bar, on the Track view by default for me. This requires either a change of view or at least shrinking the preferred full screen view in order to expose the Screenset module, which means I can no longer choose "Lock current" in the full screen view!  Anyway...Catch-22.

Temporarily floating the Control bar in order to access the Screenset module and the Lock Current is a workaround, yes, but still....  Workspaces (I guess?) is an option, but there are no key bindings available for Workspaces, which for me is largely why Workspaces goes mostly unused.

Really, at bottom of all this is the desire to simply have anything that is a CW command be available to key bindings.  If it can be chosen from a menu, surely it can be made available to key bindings, no?

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Yeah, not being able to hotkey between workspaces (as well as the transition between then being rougher and slower than screensets) is why I don't use them. I always have the control bar visible and the screensets module expanded, but it'd be a real pita if I wanted to hide it! But yes, having come from Reaper it's really strange to me to encounter a limitation like this.

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IIRC someone raised the issue of wanting the ability to bind keys/key combos to Workspaces.  At first I though it was a great idea because it would make things much easier for me personally. 

But then I thought of problems created by people who created Workspaces that didn't have the same keybindings every custom Workspace.  With all the people who have issues with Workspaces, I imagined a proliferation of "anti-Workspace hate posts."

Thinking about it again now, if there is a set of default keys dedicated to Workspaces, and possibly assigned to factory Workspaces, that would most likely cause a rise disgruntled Cakewalk users.

Don't get me wrong--I would personally benefit from not having to use a menu and the mouse in a long list that needs to be scrolled  (because there is no folder hierarchy) to find and restore a custom workspace I want. If the developers can come up with a way that it wouldn't cause confusion for other users, I'd like to see that too.  

As for the issue of rough/slow transitions between Workspaces, I briefly tested "minimal change" Workspaces [Workspaces that leave 85-95% of the UI as is but just change a few things], but I did not test to see if those result in smoother UI updates.  Maybe others know.

Wondering out loud--maybe somewhere down the road there could be a Workspaces module (possibly for the Control Bar, possibly floating, or even hidden) that is a cross between Screensets and Custom such that users can assign up to 10 (or more) frequently used Workspaces to both buttons and keys/key combos.  Maybe something like this (without any defaults) would prevent accidental UI/Workspace switches by people who don't use Workspaces, don't want Workspace keybindings, and/or don't want such a feature.  (Yeah, I know, you can't please everyone . . . .  ?‍♂️ )

Edited by User 905133
keys changed to key in key combos
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