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Popping and crackling on kick, bass and guitars?


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Hi guys and thanks for still trying to help me figure this out. Tezza, thanks for all the info, man. For sure, I do believe that I will at least buy a SSD and install like you suggested and I guess maybe slowly begin to use that as my primary drive for DAW stuff. I don't see how it could hurt too much, so thanks. I'm not sure if I do have a ton of samples but I might because I have been making them for many years now. I never gave it much thought until now. I don't know the speed of my drive or how to find out but it is the same drive that came with the machine about 6 years ago I guess. I'll go and research the ways to speed up the machine for music production, as you suggested. I reall appreciate your assistance!

Fwrend, you are right, I have yet to use a new USB because I haven't even left this place to go get one which is kind of pathetic really. I know John knows his stuff quite well as he used to help me out years ago. I would be surprised if it was that simple but it could be. Either way, I really need to replace all my cables because some of them are years old and have suffered more than one time being run over by my chair. So, that's on my list for this week and thanks for the reminder.

 I am not sure what you mean about the VSTi. I have suspected something like this but don't know Sonar well enough. Can you explain how to check the default setting at the source please?

And Matt, thanks for your help, too. Nice to finally find someone who also used the UX. I have fought myself for years on this--about getting a Scarlett but other than this problem (if it is Line6), I have never had any problem with it . I played some pro wavs on the same pc and there were no pops or other. When I pulled a pro wav into my DAW--without any plugs, it popped and crackled. What does this tell me? Maybe what you have suggested so I will go and attempt to check and/or update the drivers. if it's still possible. Great idea by the way; too bad I didn't think of it! Thanks for helping!

Well, I may be a little closer, here. Thanks so much for everyone's help. I'll keep you up to date on this and if you have anymore suggestions, I would love to hear them.

thanks again,


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Hey, man...this is fairly irritating because I replied to several things from you guys and it ain't here! No way can I re-write all that so I will just say that I am working on many of your ideas and thanks so much for trying! In short, I said that I would probably get a SSD and that I would get a USB cable as well as look into the driver business. Well, I did try a new cable for the interface and nothing changed there, Also, I am trying to find my log in for Line 6 so I can download some potential updates. Thanks again everyone and I will be back soon. Let's just hope this reply stays here...




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4 hours ago, bobernaut said:

Hey, man...this is fairly irritating because I replied to several things from you guys and it ain't here! No way can I re-write all that so I will just say that I am working on many of your ideas and thanks so much for trying! In short, I said that I would probably get a SSD and that I would get a USB cable as well as look into the driver business. Well, I did try a new cable for the interface and nothing changed there, Also, I am trying to find my log in for Line 6 so I can download some potential updates. Thanks again everyone and I will be back soon. Let's just hope this reply stays here...




Good morning - I am a bit confused, as the post immediately above this one I am quoting, in the 1st paragraph, has you posting about buying an SSD.  Isn't that the post content you are talking about being missing?  Apologies if I am mistaken. :)

Bob Bone

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And regarding your Line 6 account information - most sites have a Forgot Your User ID? and a Forgot Password? mechanism for sending the user name to the email address connected with the account, and the same goes for the password - hopefully those options will get you access to your Line 6 account, so that you can download any updates.  :)

Bob Bone

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Yes, Mr. Bone, you are correct. I don't understand what happened here, but on my screen, that post was not visible until after I submitted the next post. So, it wasn't there when I said that and then afterwards, it was there. I don't get what happened and sorry for any confusion. Maybe this is the result of something I did but not to my knowledge.



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3 minutes ago, bobernaut said:

Yes, Mr. Bone, you are correct. I don't understand what happened here, but on my screen, that post was not visible until after I submitted the next post. So, it wasn't there when I said that and then afterwards, it was there. I don't get what happened and sorry for any confusion. Maybe this is the result of something I did but not to my knowledge.



No sweat - I myself have seen Bigfoot, many times, only to subsequently remember I have big feet.  DOH!  hee hee

Glad the posts hadn't disappeared.  :)

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Hello again, if there is still anyone following this. Here's an update.

Well, after searching for a day, I was able to find my old login to my Line 6 account. I finally got all "greens" for drivers, USB firmware, Gearbox and so on. Sounds great, doesn't it? Nope. When I brought up a Sonar project, I received a little box saying:


There are no audio devices for the current driver model on your system. Please go to Edit/Preferences/Audio/Playback and Recording and choose a different driver model.


Under Playback and Recording, the driver mode is set to ASIO, but there's no sound through Sonar on project playback. The UX1 is functioning normally. Under "devices"  there is nothing listed; neither input nor output. Basically, to make this quicker, it is as if the UX1 doesn't exist in Sonar. When using Reason, there is sound as normal, and as I said, the UX1 itself, is functioning as it always did before.

So, before I screw this up even worse, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I need to do here to get Sonar to "see" the UX1? I have somewhat blindly attempted some things--which did not work, and then reset them to where they were, even though there's no sound. I'm hoping someone who has had experience with this will know what I need to do and I am hoping that it's something simple as well.

If you have time, please let me know what you think I might try here to get going again. I mean, what if these updates actually fixed the popping and crackling?




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If this was 10 years ago, I would change the driver mode to anything other than ASIO and run the Wave Profiler. Once that was done and the interface recognized, I would change it back to ASIO.
Alas, we live in the future now and things have been 'fixed' to make our lives easier. ??

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It is almost for sure a W10 driver issue with your interface. Some software is not as fussy as Cakewalk. 

I got that message the other day after I updated 2 of my computers with new OS drives so I had to re install Cakewalk and my Audio drivers. 

 I've been using this old MAudio fast track pro just to test things, my studio is still in boxes. The web site warns me that the driver is not supported in W10. It may work or it might not.. 

Anyhow it worked fine on one computer and the other one it won't work with Cakewalk ( or Splat) Both are up to date with W10 and Cakewalk versions.  Drivers are important and obviously even a different system ( mobo) can make a difference. I hooked up my Tascam and it worked fine.

I haven't followed everything said here but I don't understand the SSD fix? that seems way out there..  so even though I doubt it will solve your issue it's still a good upgrade. And I wasn't saying you needed a new USB cable, I just gave that as an example of how you need to swap out parts until the problem goes away. Obviously it's the Interface that needs swapping out. 

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Thanks 57 and John, I took in all you've said and must make decisions about future upgrades I think, I mean, how long can this old piece keep going? No worries, John. Like I said, you don't remember but you really saved my bacon once or twice before. I agreed with you; it could have been  USB, after all. I needed a new one for my M Audio anyway--I had run over that poor, old cable for years.

Now, for an interesting report. After updating everything with the interface and then with loss of audio and no recognition of the UX1, I tried what 57Gregy said about the drivers and now I am back to where I was--yes, I still have the popping and crackling and possibly worse than before all this, but, At least I am back to square one instead of watching my projects play on screen but with no sound. I also lost the "box" that was coming up telling me, "No audio devices for current driver model..." I haven't re-tried the start up but hopefully it will not bring up any irritating boxes for me next time either.

What have I learned? You know the old saying, If it ain't broke..." However, I think all this has forced me to look into a new interface--exactly what I said from the beginning. Don't you hate it when you don't listen to your own instincts? I do. So, while I have a couple of you here (hopefully) what would you recommend? You've all done plenty already, I am just asking you to throw out what you use or an interface that you know to be good stuff. I hear an awful lot about Scarlett and almost got one just about 1 year ago.

I thank you all for your help and will see if any of you have any suggestions.

many thanks,


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