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The problem of the "Gain" process.

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Another problem that was previously in all versions of Sonar Platinum and moved in version 2020.04.
We make several fragments from one audio track split audio file. Apply the “Gain” operation to these fragments (which appeared as a result of the split) and get randomly arranged fragments.
Creators Sonar Platinum: When will you fix this long-standing glitch?
But, if you do the same operation separately (applying to each small fragment), then everything is fine.
And if during the work I made 100 fragments from one audio, then I have to apply this operation 100 times - is this normal?

P.S. I also want to ask: why does no one react to the sound level problem in Aux Track, which sometimes changes when you open a project in which Aux Track was installed earlier, which I wrote about here:





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From your pictures it appears that after applying the gain that your "Audio_01_10.wave" looks to have been replaced by "Audio_01_08.wave" is that correct?

I don't know why that would happen. Can you strip this project down and send it with a support ticket to Cakewalk?

As work arounds you could try to bounce the clips individually before applying gain or bounce them down to one clip.

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This does not happen on purpose, but in the process of long work necessarily happens.
You can do so ...
Insert the audio file.
Move it relative to the grid for 1 second ..
We make a split into several parts.
Shift fragments (in other words, imitate the process of work))
Select some fragments (not all, for example, from fragments 1,2,3,4, select fragment 2 and 3)
Making the "Gain".

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On 5/12/2020 at 5:51 AM, Maxim Vasilyev said:

Another problem that was previously in all versions of Sonar Platinum and moved in version 2020.04.
We make several fragments from one audio track split audio file. Apply the “Gain” operation to these fragments (which appeared as a result of the split) and get randomly arranged fragments.
Creators Sonar Platinum: When will you fix this long-standing glitch?
But, if you do the same operation separately (applying to each small fragment), then everything is fine.
And if during the work I made 100 fragments from one audio, then I have to apply this operation 100 times - is this normal?

Yes, I noticed this also. But I was to lazy to complain about! ?

One other old bug that I found in this context (volume change) is the wave form graphic issue that happens sometimes when you change the volume of a PARTIAL clip more than once in the same clip. The waveform gets quiet (-90dB) in the area between the changed and not changed part of the clip (in high zoom level) and if you alter the zoom level then the 2 seperated wave forms move, i.e. the gap increases or decreases. When you zoom out, then the wave forms join again and it looks okay, but as soon as you zoom in the same mess again! Then it is nearly impossible to do detailed selections anymore. Even bounce to clip does not help, only if you do it more than once with some kind of change!

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12 hours ago, Maxim Vasilyev said:

This does not happen on purpose, but in the process of long work necessarily happens.
You can do so ...
Insert the audio file.
Move it relative to the grid for 1 second ..
We make a split into several parts.
Shift fragments (in other words, imitate the process of work))
Select some fragments (not all, for example, from fragments 1,2,3,4, select fragment 2 and 3)
Making the "Gain".

I was not suggesting this was happening on purpose.  It may very well be a bug and need to be reported. I was only suggesting a work around that might prevent this from happening.

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Sometimes I need to split a single audio recording in order to change the gain on several fragments.
I understand that this can be done using the volume envelope, but I want to do it with the help of Gain, because there is such an opportunity in Sonar, but it is broken and this is a program bug. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update.

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