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7 hours ago, JEFF MCDONALD said:

Yeah, some of it "did not" sound good, too radical, even before I started recording, when I was younger listening to Beatles, early stuff, I would wonder why they mixed with those weird pannings, it made you just want to listen to it in mono instead. Man, I miss The Beatles creativity in music, that's the group I grew up listening to. Ha, I am no spring chicken, turned 67 this year.

Hey Steve...I figured out why I could not get the quote button to work on this forum. I went through all my plugins / extensions in my Firefox browser and turned them off one at a time, and would try the quote button after turning off each extension,  when I got to this one --->   (OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page Add Persistent Sticky Notes anywhere on any web page, they will reappear when you re-open the page) and turned it off, the quote button immediately began working correctly. ?

Oh well, time to get some zzzzzzzzzzz. ?




Right there with you brother!  I remember being excited on the 5th grade school bus because the Beatles were on TV that night!


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One of the things to remember with their early stuff much was done on 4 track and intended for a MONO pressing.  When they started doing Stereo pressings they had to get inventive with the panning, so drums would be one side with possibly the bass and backing vocal and then lead and other guitars would off to the right.

They did a lot of bouncing down.

If you get the chance to hear Sargent Peppers in its Mono format it does sound quite different to the Stereo version on a number of Songs. 

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On 5/15/2020 at 9:45 AM, steve@baselines.com said:

There is a post I added a while ago that takes a download from Spotify and checks it with Ozone, and it looks like the spectrum is a lot narrower than what I was using.  https://baselines.com/?p=5510

I took a look at that, yeah I would also have expected to see a wider spectrum, that's a great song by the way. If you put a mono signal on a track without Ozone turned on, then pan the track all the way to one side, we'll say the right side, so that no sound is coming out of the left speaker, then turn on the Ozone Imager...you will hear some sound now coming out of the left speaker. That little bit of sound seems to fix the missing part of the sound field when we pan to one side or the other. With that little bit of sound filled in, the audio then seems to sound a "lot more ok" to be panned hard left or right.

I don't know for sure how Ozone Imager does that, I think delay is part of it, but I think there is more going on than just delay. It's interesting, a lot of people think that all the Ozone Imager is doing, is adding volume, so it "tricks the brain" into thinking it sounds better. There is some truth to the idea that boosting the volume can make a song suddenly sound better, but even after attenuating for a a slight volume increase, I definitely notice a "broadening of the stereo field" with the effect turn on.

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2 hours ago, Wookiee said:

One of the things to remember with their early stuff much was done on 4 track and intended for a MONO pressing.  When they started doing Stereo pressings they had to get inventive with the panning, so drums would be one side with possibly the bass and backing vocal and then lead and other guitars would off to the right.

They did a lot of bouncing down.

If you get the chance to hear Sargent Peppers in its Mono format it does sound quite different to the Stereo version on a number of Songs. 

Hi Wookie,

Yes interesting info, I've never given Sargent Peppers a try "in mono", I'll have to try that. I was trying to see a close up of the REDD.37 mixing console they used, to see if it had variable pan knobs or just switchable left - center - right panning.



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