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Good morning.

I got a new mother board from Jim.

This video was made for him, but if you know answers or want to guide me, advice is welcome.

I'm struggling to wait to unplug everything and remove the mobo until i feel confident i have sufficiently prepared. So I'm going for a walk.

It's a pretty day.


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First, I would thoroughly read the installation section of the motherboard manual that came in the box to familiarize with the connector locations and functions.

Then I would tag or label any cables attached to the existing motherboard as to what they are connected to. I would ask questions for any that you cannot identify.

Depending on how tight the fit in the case is, you may need to remove power supply, graphics card, drives, cooling fans, etc. Those tags will really be helpful when putting humpty dumpty together again!

Good luck!


Edited by abacab
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I got it working!!

My only issue was I couldn't fit the drive cage back in with the CD Drive screwed into the bay.

I solved this by sliding it in after the bay was installed and screwed in. This means I can't screw the CD Drive into the drive cage, but that's ok with me. It's pretty stable and everything is working. ?

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