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Placeholder for Studio One 5

Larry Shelby

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FWIW, Studio One 3 came out in May, 2015.  Although I wasn't an S1 user at the time (well, I did own a v2 Artist license), I remember this because I had recently become unemployed and recall watching the promo stuff in between job hunting.

So, as far as form goes, we could be waiting another year.

Edited by Anxiousmofo
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One of the things that drives me crazy about PS is how weird it is to try and copy a track (especially midi) that's made of smaller independent sections so that it's one contiguous track without the various sections.  One of the other things but bugs me (and this is purely a personal preference) is that GUI!  Every time I sit down with PS I feel like I'm making beats in the bedroom with a 17 year old "producer".  Can't they make that UI more professional looking?  When you first open it, it looks like a box of Gummy Bears for heaven sakes.  Yes, you can adjust the colors, but that's about it.  They need to take a look at SONAR and Reaper. 

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10 minutes ago, jude77 said:

One of the things that drives me crazy about PS is how weird it is to try and copy a track (especially midi) that's made of smaller independent sections so that it's one contiguous track without the various sections.  One of the other things but bugs me (and this is purely a personal preference) is that GUI!  Every time I sit down with PS I feel like I'm making beats in the bedroom with a 17 year old "producer".  Can't they make that UI more professional looking?  When you first open it, it looks like a box of Gummy Bears for heaven sakes.  Yes, you can adjust the colors, but that's about it.  They need to take a look at SONAR and Reaper. 

I'm right there with you on that Jude!   Many here say "I love the GUI"...ewwwwwwwwwwww....
not me...It's a great program, but that GUI is one of the worst IMO

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I'd say given Studio One is made by people who formerly worked on Cubase, we're probably getting... another feature from Cubase.

Studio One pretty much looks like a somewhat more approachable Cubase from my PoV.

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13 minutes ago, emeraldsoul said:

I have 4.5 from the December build. 

Didn't they roll out 4.6 in January, people found it buggy, so they took the update away in March, then only recently rolled it back out again?

So if 5.0 is around the corner, beware the bleeding edge!

Right...I'm just speculating on the normal 2 year cycle... but who knows?
4.5 came out in May of '19....so it should drop this month...

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2 hours ago, jude77 said:

Yes, you can adjust the colors, but that's about it.  They need to take a look at SONAR and Reaper. 

Interesting. I have the exact opposite opinion.  I think Studio One has the best looking (and more importantly, functioning) interfaces out there. Sonar looks dated to me. Don't even get me started on ProTools AKA Windows 95

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1 minute ago, RSMcGuitar said:

Interesting. I have the exact opposite opinion.  I think Studio One has the best looking (and more importantly, functioning) interfaces out there. Sonar looks dated to me. Don't even get me started on ProTools AKA Windows 95

I'm in the complete opposite camp.  I think S1 looks like crap.  The workflow is crappy.  And I think CbB has the
had the best interface since the introduction of the Carbon Skylight theme.  Reaper is also the most flexible,
with a wide availability of "Themes" that are functional and pleasing aesthetically. But that, like everything, is subjective. 

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2 hours ago, Cristian said:

I'd say given Studio One is made by people who formerly worked on Cubase, we're probably getting... another feature from Cubase.

Studio One pretty much looks like a somewhat more approachable Cubase from my PoV.

You mean for example, how they implemented a non-destructive chord track which also works on polyphonic audio? 

Perhaps Cubase will get some Studio One features... in November...

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Just now, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Is there a particular aspect of the appearance you don't like? I think the workflow is great personally, but everybody has a method to their madness. I used Reaper for years, and then I couldn't take the lipstick on a pig approach anymore, the endless menu diving, customization - every theme had something that rubbed me the wrong way. One thing gui wise I also really appreciate, is that Studio One is the only Windows DAW that I know of that utilizes their own window for the plugin window, and not the stock system window.

It just looks like a poorly thought out "Cartoon" to me...and even the "Channel Slide Out" is pretty lamely implemented.  A lot of things I don't like about it
aesthetically...it just seems "contrived".  The stock plugins, while good, look like crap.  There's a lot that I really just don't care for in S1.
I know that "rubs the fanboys"...but it is what it is...

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Anything other than a major UI rethink that includes the ability to move the control bar to the top of the screen will guarantee a total lack of interest from me. The weird thing is that in the official promo images it does look quite good, but once it's actually there right in front of me it's just hard to look at and I never use it because of that. On the plus side the plug in browser is way sexier than CW - I wouldn't mind at all if CW copied that.

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In SO if you mute an instrument track in the arrange view, it doesn't show up as muted in the mix view (and vice versa).  So if a VST isn't playing it might be because you forgot that you had muted it in the console. If the console isn't in view then you're not seeing that red Mute button and you wonder what's going on.

Presonus has their reasons for doing it that way but they really should give you the option to turn off that feature. Maybe in v5? Please?

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I have fully switched to Studio One for mixing new projects. I have gotten in a groove with it and I appreciate it's stability. That said, it still seems have to have some growing pains.

  • Interface updates would be welcome! Being able to see the plugins without having to expand a page would be great!
  • Better Faderport integration - tracks I hide in the mixer should not appear on the Faderport.
  • Sends should automatically honor the track's pan.
  • Midi routing with midi filtering (so I can run punchbox from an existing midi drum track)
  • Independent Left/Right pan faders (dual panning, right in console)
  • Big faders or knobs for sends - the tiny interface now is very hard to use.
  • Global clip indicator - I use 4 hardware outs for analog summing and there is no easy way for me to see when one clips other than opening the io area in the mixer. The buses don't actually show clipping for me!
  • Dim Solo
  • Clip Gain Volume Envelopes
  • Route output of of track to input of another
  • Hover cars


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5 hours ago, RSMcGuitar said:

Interesting. I have the exact opposite opinion.  I think Studio One has the best looking (and more importantly, functioning) interfaces out there. Sonar looks dated to me. Don't even get me started on ProTools AKA Windows 95


I jumped ship back in 2015, and after a little time using Studio One, SONAR looked like crap to me, actually couldn't stand looking at it. I haven't used SONAR for about 4 years, last time was just to transfer over some projects, don't even have it installed any longer, never really bothered with CbB.

As for Studio One v5, I'll be just happy if they just keep improving on what is there, it does everything I need, of course I'll take any new features they provide, mightn't use them depending on what they are, but . . .

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IMHO Mixcraft was the only DAW that looked "cartooney" a few years back. They have since refined that DAW appearance and now it looks pretty slick.

Cakewalk might seem that way to someone coming from something like Cubase, although if you remember there were lots of disgruntled user when C-base changed their GUI

While I agree some customization to GUI  would be a nice addition to Studio One I find it a very workable DAW. Workflow was easy for me to get a hold on at the basic level. I still haven't gotten on board with the chord track.  When I want chord I ideas I pick up a guitar or play it on the keyboard. I like the arranger concept. With this feature now integrated into Cakewalk it would be tough for someone to cross over who only has Cakewalk ... My main reason for sometimes using Studio One>   it integrates into Notion 6 and that's a killer combination for anyone who needs or wants to have sheet music available.  It is a very stable DAW and I don't find myself looking for very long when attempting to do anything in it. Very intuitive.

But you didn't ask me what I liked you asked me what I would like to see in the future.

- Faster startup. Seems to take forever to boot up compared to CbB. 

That's really the only nit I have with it at all. Runs on Mac and PC, has advanced mastering features. The included plugins are all great. I probably won't use all of the features in Studio One 4 Pro. They could begin to add some of the features found in Cubase. Maybe a drum program instead of a  DJ pads and loops. How about a vocal correction program? A better synth program similar to Halion in Cubase? Most DAWS havbe glorified romplers . Cakewalk offered serious synths in zT3a+2. Those are the things that made Sonar Platinum so formidable. If they could design these "in house" instead of tacking on 3rd party programs I think that would be a Cubase Killer indeed.  Presonus already have so much going for them in having a huge hardware line that "talks" the Studio One language. They upped the game in adding reduced latency programming. 

None of those add ons would make the DAW any better as a core program, however they would really sweeten the idea that you could do it all with one program. 

I really don't know what else they could put into the program that I could use. 

Edited by Starise
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I'm also a Studio One GUI hater. I used Studio One 2 to start and would have stuck with it but then they bought in the darker interface in V3 and I bought it but didn't like it, so jumped ship. At that time there were a number of complaints about it on the Presonus forum but they fell on deaf ears and then maintained the same interface with V4. I've been using Cubase 10 primarily because of the interface which allows for light coloring and pastel colors which is what I like. It is also very simple and you can keep the more complex things under the hood. However, when they brought that redesign in with V10, there were people complaining about it on the Steinberg forum.

So I guess it's a personal thing with the GUI. How I have mine set up  is nothing like the way they set it up on their advertising promo's. There seems to be this obsession with dark and garish color schemes across all DAW's, I like the opposite, light and gentle pastels.

I still use Cakewalk for compatibility with older projects and some group projects I am doing but, although you can lighten it up and trim it down a bit, it is looking a bit dated and clunky compared to some of the competition.

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