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Audio Bouncing Issue


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I have had this annoying issue with Cakewalk for a while now, I generally put up with it or I end creating a new clean project and port all my audio, midi and plugins. Which you can imagine is a real annoyonce. :(

The problem I face is sometimes when I bounce an Audio track down, it takes longer than usual, finally Cakewalk becomes unresponsive (then responsive) and rinse repeat. I can save and edit my project, but not play it (When I click on play Cakewalk just freezes again). If I save the project to a New File, once opened everything seems normal until I bounce Audio down again, and the whole cycle starts over again.

I did create a dump file to send to you, but at 5 gig (2 gig compressed) I was a bit wary of sending it to you guys via email ?.

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3 minutes ago, Craig Anderton said:

Is there any chance that with a file of that size, you're running out of memory? 

No, I don't think that is the case.  I have 48 gig and the project is only using around 8 gig.

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By default, Cakewalk uses the ASIO buffer size when processing audio offline. Too small or too large can cause problems for some plugins. Try a moderate setting like 256-512 samples, and if you get more consistent results, you can set a corresponding non-zero value for BounceBufSizeMsec= parameter in the AUD.INI (Preferences > Audio > Configuration File) that will alway be used for offline rendering, regardless of your setting for realtime playback (BounceBufSizeMsec=0 tells it to use the realtime buffer size).

Note that it's in milliseconds, not samples so  256-512 samples is on the order of  5-10ms, depending on your sample rate. I run at 48kHz, and have had BounceBufSizeMsec=20 (960 samples) set for years without any problems. 


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