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Cakewalk won't recognize some Focusrite inputs


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Cakewalk recognizes my Scarlett Focusrite 4i4 as a 3i3 and will only receive input from the front two inputs (which it designates as Left 1/2 and Right 1/2).   I can't get Cakewalk to recognize the additional two instrument inputs (3 and 4) in the rear of the Focusrite.   Cakewalk thinks it "sees" additional inputs Left 3/4, Right 3/4, Left 5/6 and Right 5/6, but I cannot access them.  Grateful for any ideas; I would  really like to be able to use all four inputs.


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That screen shot looks correct but not for the 4i4. Why is it showing 5/6 The 1/2 and 3/4 are showing correctly but you don't have a 5/6 . The 6i6 has a 5/6 but they are digital and are shown as such.    Are you sure you downloaded the driver for the 4i4?  

Cakewalk has nothing to do with how that list appears, the Focusrite ASIO driver does. Oh,, Hey, that should say "Right Focusrite  ASIO audio 1/2 Are you using ASIO? 



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John Vere, thanks for the quick reply.

About the driver, I'm not sure, that all happened automatically when I set up the interface.  But the under settings in the Focusrite Control Software, it says Scarlett 4i4, so I think the driver is correct.


As to the ASIO, I did not have that set (didn't know I should).  I set it to ASIO but now I have a new problem.  I can access Input 1 and Input 3 on the 4i4 but not Inputs 2 or 4.  So I'm apparently still doing something wrong.


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2 hours ago, Dante said:

John Vere, thanks for the quick reply.

About the driver, I'm not sure, that all happened automatically when I set up the interface.  But the under settings in the Focusrite Control Software, it says Scarlett 4i4, so I think the driver is correct.


As to the ASIO, I did not have that set (didn't know I should).  I set it to ASIO but now I have a new problem.  I can access Input 1 and Input 3 on the 4i4 but not Inputs 2 or 4.  So I'm apparently still doing something wrong.


As Dave Said, by default Cakewalk shows the driver pairs however the driver lists them in Windows, so in this case, as opposed to see 1/2, you're seeing "Left" and "right" for input "1". You can change the Preferences to show a "Friendly Name" as 1/2 if that helps, but functionally it's the same. 

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David and Jonathan, Yes, I was aware of the left/right designation.  I just thought I wasn't getting any signal from the right 2/4 inputs.  I see now that I am, that's good.   Now I'm just having trouble getting everything (front and back inputs) to play through my headphones, but I'll figure that out eventually.  

Thank you,


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13 minutes ago, Dante said:

David and Jonathan, Yes, I was aware of the left/right designation.  I just thought I wasn't getting any signal from the right 2/4 inputs.  I see now that I am, that's good.   Now I'm just having trouble getting everything (front and back inputs) to play through my headphones, but I'll figure that out eventually.  

Thank you,



I also have a 4i4 (3rd gen) and it seems you can get really confused when things are not sounding right, believe me I have spent many an hour trying to unravel this.

The trick is in the Focurite Control and how each section is routed. It is great to be able to Mute and send different outputs to speakers, headphones and the Loopback (which I just now was able to get to work on my livestream today and it was fantastic!).

Let me know if there is anything I can help you with?

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7 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

As Dave Said, by default Cakewalk shows the driver pairs however the driver lists them in Windows, so in this case, as opposed to see 1/2, you're seeing "Left" and "right" for input "1". You can change the Preferences to show a "Friendly Name" as 1/2 if that helps, but functionally it's the same. 

Jonathan, how can I change the names to friendly names if CbB doesn't show all the inputs? I really hate having to figure out which physical input goes to which discretely named input labeled by CbB.  I.e. If I want to record something from input 6, I don't want to have to think is it Analog 5 right? Analog 5 stereo? Analog 7 left? Odd? Even? Whut? I just want to see the number that matches with my input channel and get on with making music. I don't have this problem in Reaper or Waveform 10.

I'm sorry. I don't know why it's double pasting my images. When I tried deleting it, it messed up my post.



Edited by Helos Bonos
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If you're using MONO inputs:

Left MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 1 = Channel 1
Right MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 1 = Channel 2
Left MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 3= Channel 3
Right MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 3 = Channel 4
Left MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 5 = Channel 5
Right MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 5 = Channel 6
Left MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 7 = Channel 7
Right MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 7 = Channel 8

If you're recording  STEREO pairs:

Stereo MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 1  =  Channel 1 (L) + Channel 2 (R)
Stereo MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 3  =  Channel 3 (L) + Channel 4 (R)
Stereo MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 5  =  Channel 5 (L) + Channel 6 (R)
Stereo MOTU Audio ASIO Analog 7  =  Channel 7 (L) + Channel 8 (R)

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  • 3 years later...

Just had this same issue in a recording session (at another studio) with recent versions of the Focusrite drivers and CbB ... it is still an issue !! Reaper and Beats both recognize and deal with Input 3/4 as normal, but in CbB, there is no visibility of the Focusrite 3/4 inputs ...

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I've had this issue with other audio interfaces in the past, where only odd numbers were showing up. Just set up friendly names for your I/Os and you're good to go. If you really still need to figure out which input/output is which and you like to think of your I/Os as stereo pairs rather than mono channels, the formula is to add 1 and then divide by 2, e.g. your "Analog 5" > 6 > 3 L/R.

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This is not a Cakewalk issue it's the ASIO driver and this is normal. I have used probably 6 different interfaces from different companies and they all look like that. Takes 2 seconds to figure it out. And you really need to install the proper driver. I like this video and it saved my butt. 


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2 hours ago, Bass Guitar said:

This is not a Cakewalk issue it's the ASIO driver and this is normal. I have used probably 6 different interfaces from different companies and they all look like that.

Lol. That means it is a CbB thing. ?

My 1820i shows them as expected in two other daws I own, but shows totally different in CbB. Obviously it is easy to read and understand them if you're an old Cakewalk user. Plus, its easy to rename them in Cakewalk. So, i understand if it would be a little confusing to new members. 

I own the 1820i for little over 4 months now. 

Edited by Will.
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