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Track export with bus effects


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Feature request:

Can we please have the bus effects actually ending up on the exported tracks when Bus FX is checked in the Mix enables panel?

I spent 2 hours yesterday MANUALLLLLYY(!!!) exporting each track in a 67 audio track project via SOLO-Export for a client that needs the individuals tracks to have the effects printed on them.... I don't mind if the export process itself takes a long time as long as it is automatic:-))!! I understand that each track has to be exported seperately through the effects in order for the other tracks to not "bleed" into the  "printed" reverb tails etc but if only I didnt have to sit there and do it with every track..... would be an awesome option for a future update. Thanks to the whole baking team for an in most ways amazing DAW.

Kind regards from Hamburg


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The Bus FX option is there mostly to facilitate the opposite: exporting buses as stems without FX.

Printing bus FX to individual tracks doesn't make sense most of the time. Dynamic FX and anything else that's sensitive to input level (amp sims, saturation, console emulation, etc.) or dependent on a sidechain input won't behave the same with only one track at a time being processed.  Also some FX have unsynced LFOs or other randomness built in such that they won't behave the same way for one track as they did for an earlier one which can cause phase/imaging problems when they're mixed back together.


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