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Cubase Upgrades 40% off

Larry Shelby

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44 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

Maybe in the Pro market but for hobbyists/home studios who don't make any money off their work it's not that large.  They did dip down with a generous cross grade offer. 

You'd be surprised at how many "Non-pros" use Cubase....far more than you think....

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I'm no pro -- just a pretty motivated hobbyist. But Cubase is my primary DAW.

I still use Cakewalk on a regular basis because I much prefer it for editing audio and I really like Pro Channel and its components. So most of my final mixes and any mastering I do is in Cakewalk.

But for straight-up MIDI work, Cubase has the best tool set I've ever used. 

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Upgrade prices  seem very reasonable. It's the price of entry that seems expensive to me. I recently looked at Pro Tools  It's expensive to buy as well. About the same price. It almost looks to me like they have a similar marketing strategy to PT.  The subscription version of PT comes with over 80 plug ins. I just can't get into a subscription at 26 dollars a month....for life...unless it goes up. There is also a free version of that DAW. 

As I understand it, PT is great for audio editing which is where it began, Cubase is probably the best for midi work at a very detailed level. Cakewalk started out as a midi sequencer. It is at the very least number 2 in my eyes when it comes to midi and it might be closer than that to Cubase. Almost like comparing another sore subject Intel .vs AMD...both are good and one is very close to the other. Most of the midi editing features anyone will ever need are in Cakewalk along with a few not many will ever use . Buying into Cubase is probably similar to buying into Sonar in the Gibson days. You'll get Halion lite, nice plugins, a vocal plugin that resembles a better version of V-vocal, drums and pretty much anything else you could need to build tracks.

In reading the VI forum it seems there were issues with Cubase running on Macs recently. So bad that some users were  jumping ship to other DAWs or  going over to PC custom builds for their movie track work. To say Hans Zimmer being behind that DAW helped a little is probably an understatement. For the person who just wants to record a band it's probably overkill and then some. You don't absolutely need Cubase for movie work. There are guys using Reaper and Ableton for it.



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