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Hatshepsut Action

Mánibranðr Studios

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I have not heard the original, so I have no idea. 


The whole thing is pretty narrow and shallow in the stereo field, like you put a mic up to a gaming console speaker. My guess is, you are dealing with some "original file" limitations . . . ? Did this come from  a tape or cassette originally?


The parts are nicely played / programmed and arranged, particularly the drums. The mix just sounds way far away in the distance.




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OK, what I hear is the bass fighting the bass drum giving a kind of muddy mix to the other elements in the work. Whilst I like the song I feel it would benefit from some kind 'spacial acoustic treatment', I sometimes use an SPL Vitalizer on analogue stuff to 'widen' the mix and bring  the whole work out, more 'in your face' if you get my meaning ?

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Hope this is of value ...


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