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Kazrog True Dynamics Updated to 1.02

Larry Shelby

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So, yesterday the True Dynamics 1.0.2 update went live - and it is truly what the initial release should have been. Finally, it's working great on all of the supported DAW and OS combinations! If you don't already have 1.0.2, please do yourself a favor and download it now! If you don't already have True Dynamics, now's a great time to download the demo. :)

I want to thank you all of you for your patience and understanding as Kazrog grows in popularity. I've added more beta testers to the team, and I've purchased additional testing hardware as a result of this recent journey. Future releases will be tested on a more diverse array of setups than ever before, which should help prevent show-stopper bugs making it into public releases again.

True Dynamics saw the debut of a new oversampling engine - a project I'd been putting off building for a couple of years as I knew it would be a big undertaking. It's of personal importance to me that we eliminate audible aliasing from music and other audio content released to the public, as an industry, and I'm proud to have built one of the best oversampling engines out there (now that it works for everyone, of course!)

The new oversampling built into True Dynamics will be brought to other Kazrog plugins soon - so stay tuned for those updates!


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