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A Personal Statement


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To admin-I know this is not a song, but it is addressed to many on this sub forum so I would greatly appreciate if you could hold it here for at least a few days, then move it where you wish.  It is also faith based.  I'm not trying to proselytize or convert .  I respect that there are many here who  have different faiths.

I know I've lost many friends here over the past year or so.  I take 100% blame for this.  I've acted horribly to some of you and I sincerely apologize.

I'm a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.  I've been praying to Him for guidance and He has placed in my heart that my music has become too important to me and I must back off.  Not necessarily stop making it, but re evaluating it's role and priority in my life.  I've been acting like a heretical fool over it (especially here) to the point where it has distorted my views on everything else in my life.

In light of this, I will no longer be participating in this forum.  I will no longer post my music for review nor will I be listening to or review anybody else's  No doubt many will find this a relief as I've been a PITA to many here.  I know most will understand.  There are probably a few ignorant "trolls" who will probably throw this in my face and comment negatively.  Have at it.  You're not going to make me feel worse.  This is between me and my Maker, so it doesn't matter anymore.  I know it's no excuse but lately I've been worse because of the added stress that the coronavirus has caused with the uncertainty and sheer boredom of having to "stay put".  I know we're all under extra strain over this all over the world, so, as I said, it's no excuse for my actions, only a partial reason.

It is my sincerest prayer and hope that all of you and yours, no matter what you think of me, will stay safe and well in this time.  Continue to make music (it helps to take one's mind off of the issues), and take whatever actions you have to to protect yourselves and help those around you in your personal lives.

Maybe I can get back to this later when I get my life's issues in order.  I will be a better person then, for sure.

Thank you so much for being here and your understanding.

?John B

Edited by Johnbee58
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Hi John B,

I am sorry that you will be leaving this forum.  I have always enjoyed listening to your songs.  They always had a message and emotion.   Let both your brain and heart guide you and I sincerely hope that you find the peace that you are looking for.

During this time of crisis please be careful, stay safe, and be well.

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Hello, I am an animist, and I have a bit of advice for you.

You cannot expect to reach any sort of inner peace if what you have to do to please your god is to maim your own spirit, and deny yourself things that have made you pneuma. If that is what Yaldabaoth wants from you, then he isn't very good to you. He is more interested in gaining hylic followers than he is the personal growth of those who worship him.

And it shows, you're more focused on the effect your actions have on the people you think hate you, than you are considering the effects on those who value your presence here. This is not something someone who is spiritually healthy would be so concerned about. You're kept spiritually staved by this standoffish "us vs them" attitude, and your decision to cut off a big part of yourself to please a jealous god is only going to make it worse.

I hope you reconsider your decision, you deserve more inner peace and happiness than what Yaldabaoth could offer you.

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