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Unify 1.0.12 is available NOW


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1 hour ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

Are you using the Instruments drop down and selecting PG-8X or are you using the Tags drop down and finding the PG-8X tag?  Using the Tags I only get the Spitting Piano. But the Instruments drop down gives the larger list, since it's built from the plugins on the patch.

 This ^^^^^

When you initially said that those patches showed up under the tag PG-8X I naturally went to the browser and selected "Tags --> PG-8X" which only shows the single piano patch. However, selecting "Instruments --> PG-8X" does indeed show all of the patches in your original list.

So, essentially there is no issue with my install. I will close the ticket. Thanks for help in to getting to the bottom of it Matt.

Although Unify seemed to work fine I really dislike little anomalies that cannot be explained - it kinda eats away at me (especially when I have lots of time to think about it like at the moment). ?

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Unify's dependence on open source VST plugins seems to take some of the value out of it for me.  The presets are pretty nice though.  I wish the content management was a bit better.  Plugins that have their own/expandable content/presets aren't new but lately it's been a lot of focus.  But in almost every case the end user headaches are way too high.  The idea that a community will share patches and content for free hasn't ever really worked all that well, Native Instruments Reactor I suppose is the only "good" example I can think of, and it's a zoo.  Unify has a bit of that still, instead of supporting a managed a curated library of high quality (and perhaps paid) content.  I don't want 9999 patches of various quality and value.  I want 10 excellent patches with well thought out macros and controls.  I need less quantity and more quality.

Edited by Matthew Sorrels
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Missed this one, and last week's one is further down...

April 18, 2020 LIVESTREAM: Unify 1.1 / Cloud City Fun Hangtime...

v1.1 is almost done - MIDIbox will be included and allows MIDI patterns/files to be played within Unify.

April 11th LIVESTREAM: Unify 1.1 preview, Cloud City preview & MORE!


Edited by ZincT
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