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Banned from KVR

Larry Shelby

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On 3/17/2020 at 12:18 PM, Larry Shelby said:

Just got this message from KVR:

You have been permanently banned from this board.

Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.

Reason given for ban: I can't believe that you are not a dealer... I think it's time to end this abuse of the Sell & Buy forum.

I have NEVER been a DEALER of ANY kind.

THIS is WHY you don't make "forum members" Administrators!!!
They make "judgement calls" based on their "personal assumptions" and 
their own "Biases"!!!

All this means to me is you will have more time here to keep us informed. I have no idea why they sought to ban you but their loss is our gain. 

Its time to tell you thank you for all the work you have done to help us make the best deals.  You have been at it a very long time and we appreciate it.  

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They banned me because they said I was a "dealer" John, and not just 
a forum member.  They didn't warn me.  They didn't ask me.  They just
banned me and sent me that message, despite the fact that I've been
on that forum for about 6 years.  They asked me why my thread had 
been open for 5 years.  I said that I've always used the same thread,
rather than start a new one every time, which, to me, would be even more deceptive,
but I told them I would do that if it made them feel better.

Long story short, they unbanned me.  I think a "moderator" just needed to flex
their "authority", and I get that.  I'm sure just "watching" a forum for hours gets
boring, so you start "looking for ways to make it exciting", and show them that you're doing
"you're job".  But really...to just arbitrarily accuse someone of being a "dealer"
is a pretty far stretch, regardless of the circumstances.

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I'm a moderator. There are a few of us here. We try to do the right thing . We do not let our emotions interfere with our job. I have to say the KVR mods didn't use common sense in simply asking you your status. Our reason for being is to make the Cakewalk forum a pleasant place to be. To have an environment to  ask questions and help anyone that wants it.  We try hard to not step on members toes or restrict speech too much.  We do provide a place where people are not attached or threatened  or making a place where members do not feel welcome. 

We stop trolls and people that want to do damage to the membership.  

I think that all the mods here have done a fantastic job. 

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This just so reminds me of those stifling long couple of weeeks this past summer when I was verboten from writing any further reviews on Amazon. No reason, no explanation. No references to any supposed bad reviews. I inquired 3 times. On the third attempt to start a dialogue, I reminded Amazon that all reviews I filled out were completed on items that i I had a confirmed purchased.  Also added that I would not be purchasing any further items until my permission to review was returned. in less than 24 hrs, I was happily reviewing a three pak of reusable cat food lids. I have purpose again!  Don’t really, but I do scream that in the toaster oven reflective glass each morning as the cats receive their morning rations. 

This return to Larry of his constitutional given rights and liberties, is a ever so bright beacon in this time of social distancing. 


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13 hours ago, Larry Shelby said:

That's my brother Thomas ?
(Great series BTW)

Yep alot going on in this series, interesting social and political stuff ;)

Glad you got it sorted , personnaly , being banned from kvr isn t something that crazy , since this forum looks like a complete mess for me ... i don t knowbut i go there only for selling stuff witch i gave up now ...

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  • 1 year later...

For one thing, my name says it all :) But after doing a search (which unfortunately just confirmed the obvious) .... forum moderators suck *****!

It's WAY worse than you think. These guys are completely and totally without accountability. They  can do what they want, when they want and HOW they want. Yep, nobody monitors their posts, bans or even stalking (which they ALL do. ) I don't care since I've been w/o social media for YEARS now, but in a search, I came up with this POS. 

Honestly, I think that all of them should be hung by their JS's and left to burn :lol: But really, nobody cares, after all our last 3 presidents are signs that people are TOTALLY not intelligent! 


Over and out. 

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Maybe 3 and done? The bottom line is that many many forum "moderators" are janky at best. It's really quite sad, but it is what it is. Many have pawned themselves and good only to be, janky and their accountability to be less than desirable.  I can think of two here. 

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