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Audio Media Research releases new ReValver Amp Clones and ACT instrument models

Larry Shelby

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Audio Media Research has announced the release of four new add-ons to its flagship ReValver amp modeling software. Included in this release are two new ReValver ACT Combo Amp Clones, as well as two new ACT Instrument models.

There's a world of tone to be discovered in the new ACT amp clones, which cover the gamut from shimmering cleans to classic crunch to full-on high gain glory. The new amp clones are:

The new ReValver ACT Combo Amp Clones:

Mezabar Zero: Cloned after the Mezzabarba MZERO Overdrive, a 2 channel amp with channel one going from sparkling cleans to British crunch and channel 2 featuring "one of the best overdriven high-gain tones in the business".

Flathill TransAtlantis: Cloned after the Mesa Boogie Transatlantic TA-30, a 2 channel amp with five channel modes. Channel one features Normal mode (British Clean) and Top Boost mode (Brit Drive) and channel two features a Tweed mode, as well as Hi 1 or Hi 2 modes.

This amp clone package features not only standard amp clones which model the amp and cab, but also "DI" clones which only model the amp, allowing you to use the ReValver cabinet modelers to dial in the exact sound you are looking for. Also featured are clones "boosted" with overdrive pedals.

The new Input ACT instrument models clone some of the most sought-after boutique instruments available today:

Sir Custom T: Instrument model of a Suhr Custom T, an instrument featuring a pair of Suhr P90 pickups which make this guitar's tone rich, punchy and ready to growl.

Brickwall Combust Bass: Instrument model of a Dingwall NG-2 bass. This is a true metal bass monster. The addition of a Darkglass Tone Capsule pre-amp and Dingwall pickups deliver a tone that will cut through any metal mix.

The new releases are available today at www.audiomediaresearch.com/new-product priced at $4.99 / $5.99.


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