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Genesis Pro Status Update

Larry Shelby

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We would like to inform you on how we will move forward from this point on. 

Firstly here is a list of the problems that we are facing at the moment:


Serial key / Download / Website:

Order is paid, but no serial key is given

Serial key is invalid during install or gives runtime error 

Serial key is valid and it installs properly, but gives error in DAW

Purchase of 2+ orders but only receiving 1 key

Cannot download and/or it gives errors during (stops randomly)

The download speeds are very low

Postal code / country issues when registering and placing an order

Password reset issues

The amount of Genesis Pro products that can be purchased is limited to 1. 


Installation/Setup file is corrupt

Installer does not properly install all the necessary components

Forced to install .dll in Program Files directory

Digital certificate issues (windows warning about the installation being dangerous)

Genesis Pro:

When a project is saved and loaded, it does not load the set values properly

Picasso mode bugs (not saving skins / affecting knob positions when used)

Minor audio and GUI bugs

Forced to run as administrator

XP is not visible

64-bit pre-wrapped Jbridge version:

Unstable, audio issues

White / Black screen GUI (incomplete loading)

Forced to run as administrator

DAW cannot find the .dll

Payment methods:

“No payment method available” bug

No alternative for regions where paypal is blocked or doesn’t work correctly (ie. Turkey, India)

No alternative for Chinese customers

We will solve all these issues within 4 weeks time. We listed the changes downbelow:


Hotfix (Top priority, will be rolled out asap)

Serial key and any related problems will be fixed.

A new installer will be available

Fix for being forced to run your DAW as administrator

Genesis Pro bug fixes

Website fixes (password recovery, postal code, no limit on amount of orders)

Download fixes

Other changes


Pre-wrapped Jbridge version is removed and there will no new pre-wrapped version. We advise those to use
Jbridge v1.75 from the official Jbridge website as that version is more stable and offers more settings to try.
We will help you find the correct settings for your DAW


Forum will be added

Manual will be added (will be available within 7 days)

Payment methods

Mastercard / Visa will be added

Alipay will be added

Apple pay will be added

We had a tough launch, but releasing software is never easy. We learned from our experience, 
we promise to make it up to you and we will provide the service you deserve. 


Kind Regards,

Ummet Ozcan / Oz Soft

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