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Ron Kalcic

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Well I have one for you. I use CAKEWALK with a "LIVE" keyboard to play Roland Rack Mounted JV1080's and also to play VSTs from a second keyboard.

The Live keyboard hooks to a MOTU midi Express the runs the hardware rack mounts.

When I have NO VSTs loaded BUT the computer audio turned up, EVERY KEY or SET OF KEYS I hit causes a high pitched squeal that lasts for about .50 seconds. You can hear it in the studio monitors when I play the rack mount synths.

I loaded CUBASE and tried the same set up. NO MIDI HIGH PITCHED SQUEAL with every key OR every volume tweak on the midi controller. 

If someone can figure this out you can probably walk on water and not scare the fish. I will even try to record this sound and attach it to this post at a later date. 



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What if you turn down the output level of the synths, disable input monitoring or disconnect them and monitor directly with headphones? In other words is the sound from the synths or from some sort of radio interference/feedback inside the DAW?

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  • 6 months later...

I use the headphone out and also use a set of studio monitors on the audio out. Same noise every time with a key pressed OR A MIDI CONTROL MOVED. It is almost like I get to hear the midi data getting turned into an audio stream of condensed data (fairly high pitched but like in the 8 kilohertz range) and a long as I move a midi control, such as volume, I get a "ribbon" of this computer data sound with every control move.

For you old timers, remember the 300 Baud modems and the noise they used to make during a transmission? A lot the same except a tiny bit higher pitched. 

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I had a noise problem that sounded just like you describe it. Except it was almost all of the time, not just when MIDI data was coming from an external controller.

I narrowed it down when I realized that the bad sound was not in the headphone mix coming from my audio interface. Replaced my studio monitor cables with TRS balanced 1/4"  cables and problem solved!

The sound varied with activity on the PC, so I assumed it was electrical interference from either the disk drives being accessed, or my PWM case fans revving up with increased activity.

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