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Phantom clip


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When I open a project using my favorite project template, I always get a warning that a certain plug in is not installed. That's ok, I don't need that plug in anyway. But I'd like to get rid of the warning. It tells me the unfound plug in is in a Clip (Clip "" because I usually don't name my clips). But there are no clips in the template. I've unhidden every track, bus, folder, and zoomed out to as far as it will go, and it's completely empty. I also tried renaming the .assets file for the template.

Where can I find this clip, or is there a way to just tell CbB to delete all clips or something? I

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20 hours ago, jkoseattle said:

Good idea, didn't fix it though. ?

Well, if CW insists the phantom plugin is on a clip, and there are no clips, then it seems likely the project file is corrupt.

At this point, I'd go with laposoa's suggestion and recreate the template. And make a backup of it for insurance.

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