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Not working - How To Create Easy Tempo Maps in Cakewalk with Melodyne 4

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I followed the instruction in this video  to a "t"   but I'm not getting the proper results (I have Melodyne Studio 4)




I used a track that has super obvious transients and I get this:


Any idea why it wouldn't line up after

1)    Setting Measure/Beat Now Time to Measure 2 beat 1

2)  Dragging the Clip to the Time Line


Result clearly isn't lining up the timeline with the audio.


Thanks for any insight.  

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Looks like the clip has some 'dead air' on the front end, and setting the tempo at 2:01 should not have been necessary. Try clip-editing the start of the clip to the first transient, drag it back to 1:01:000 and then drag it to the timeline. If you need it to start at 2:01, you can insert a measure with Ripple Edit All enabled to push the clip and the tempo changes out with it.

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8 hours ago, David Baay said:

Looks like the clip has some 'dead air' on the front end, and setting the tempo at 2:01 should not have been necessary. Try clip-editing the start of the clip to the first transient, drag it back to 1:01:000 and then drag it to the timeline. If you need it to start at 2:01, you can insert a measure with Ripple Edit All enabled to push the clip and the tempo changes out with it.

Same result, problem still exists.  



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Are those transients supposed to be a quarter-note click track?  Is Melodyne inserting incorrect tempo changes, or just not running at all? I've never tried Melodyne with just a click track, but it should work.

EDIT: I did a quick test using a click track with a steadily increasing tempo. Melodyne Editor made some mistakes, but got pretty close.

Edited by David Baay
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7 hours ago, David Baay said:

Are those transients supposed to be a quarter-note click track?  Is Melodyne inserting incorrect tempo changes, or just not running at all? I've never tried Melodyne with just a click track, but it should work.

EDIT: I did a quick test using a click track with a steadily increasing tempo. Melodyne Editor made some mistakes, but got pretty close.


I setup a mic and played a track of a friend playing acoustic.  The system did a horrible job of translating his playing, so I setup a mic on my desk and literally created a click track  of myself playing quarter notes of my finger hitting the hard table.    Thus the time will fluctuate some, but will be quarter notes within a reasonable BPM of each other.  


That result you see is Melodyne/Cakewalk's result (i.e. the new timeline it created).  You can see the 76.67 BPM listed (it was the stock 120 before I dropped the track onto the top of the timeline.

Edited by Brian Walton
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i would try selecting the whole clip and then using Bounce to clips. Then repeat.

Your not using a groove clip are you ? I'm not sure if having the clip a groove clip would affect this or not but i would make sure it is just a typical audio clip first.

This probably isn't helpful i know, but its all i got man ?

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15 hours ago, David Baay said:

Not sure what could make it go that wrong. If you want to share either the guitar track or the click track somewhere I'll see if I get a different result.

Thank you, yes I'll uplaod it when I get a chance and send a link.


9 hours ago, chuckebaby said:

i would try selecting the whole clip and then using Bounce to clips. Then repeat.

Your not using a groove clip are you ? I'm not sure if having the clip a groove clip would affect this or not but i would make sure it is just a typical audio clip first.

This probably isn't helpful i know, but its all i got man ?

It was just a standard audio clip.  I haven't ever used bounce to clips, but I could give that a shot.  

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