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This explains A LOT!

Larry Shelby

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I suppose other stressful, high-hour careers have similar issues, including: medicine, law, etc.

Media has the added challenge of constantly being creative whilst "under pressure" which can't be a good combination. On the other hand, we are not saving any lives lol.

Edited by synthmeister
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Don't get too worried just yet.

The comparison between people working in the UK film industry and those in the larger UK population may not be an apples-to-apples comparison. It's not clear from the article, but the 87% who "...experienced a mental health problem..." may be an overestimation resulting from an incresed likelihood of those suffering from a mental health issue to participate in the online survey.

The seemingly lower 65% value for the entire UK population, in contrast, is probably derived from the incidence of *treated* rather than *reported* mental health cases. And this could mean that the 65% number is actaully higher because 'latent' cases of mental illness in the larger UK population are not represented simply because no one asked these folks if they have a problem.

Just my $0.02...


The centrepiece of the research was an online survey – over 9,000 people responded. The Looking Glass survey results reveal a mental health crisis in the workforce.

Nearly nine people in ten (87%) working in the UK’s film, TV and cinema industries have experienced a mental health problem, which compares with two in three (65%) people in the UK population,


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I think these statistics are polluted by the fact that those with mental health conditions tend to be attracted to the TV, Film and Music industries in the first place because creative industries require different kinds of thinking and they can't fit in with the boring mainstream 9 - 5 computer cubicle type jobs anyway.

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8 hours ago, Mesh said:

Just FYI.....if you heard any of my music, you'd be definitely putting your life at risk.

Mesh, we've talked about this before. If there was a Super Hero named BS man he would be flying up to you right now, squaring up his shoulders and saying loudly, b+++ s+++!!

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4 hours ago, cclarry said:

There is a fine line between genius and insanity...

When I was at uni, I had a mate that we were all concerned about because he was both brilliant and also struggled with quite severe mental health problems. An A+ honors student that spent 3 - 6 months in a mental institution every year. We would constantly ponder what might happen to him, would he become a brilliant research scientist or would he end up in an institution. What eventually happened to him was far worse than any of us could have possibly imagined.  He became a drummer in a rock band.

Edited by Tezza
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9 hours ago, locrian said:

this could mean that the 65% number is actaully higher because 'latent' cases of mental illness in the larger UK population are not represented simply because no one asked these folks if they have a problem.

Are you saying that hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way? ?

I'm also with Tezza, maybe with a different spin. Creative professions attract nuts. I've pondered why my comrades and I even bother to do what we do, with so few of us even getting any material gain. One conclusion I've come to is that I think, there's having something to express or communicate that we can't communicate in "normal" verbal ways. That can come from emotional pain or suppressed joy or anger.

Just in music, how many people have you met that were dissimilar from their personae? In my practice as an amplifier repairman, I can tell you that the nicest, most soft spoken mellowest dudes are the ones who play paint-peeling death metal.

Some of my closest musical chums are Eeyore-level depressed at times, yet musically, they often produce joyful pop. The joy they can't find in day-to-day life bubbles up in their music.

(ob deals content: I self-medicate by getting my new plug-in dopamine shots)

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Eh, I dunno.  I've worked in the studio a long time and I turned out perfect metallic rain buzzing pumpernickel applesauce polyurethane.  


But for real, after this record I'm on right now, I'm definitely scaling back.  

[air quotes] '' And this time, I mean it! '' [/airquotes]

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