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Track Pane MSR Confusion


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Hi there ?

I'm not sure, if this is a bug, but following the clip, you'll realize, in my CbBL SetUp, muting  tracks in the Trackpane (if they aren't selected/highlited)  don't react as active by showing a yellow mute-icon.   Solo and record will let the  icons show up  as active with the use of shortcut control. When highlighting (yellow color --> left) the track also everything works fine.  As y ou can see in the left inspector area, mute Icon lits up as active (yellow),

but simultaniously not in the track-pane.

So if inspector is out of sight, it can become quit confusing to realize what is going on...       

So I'm after if this is only here in my circumstances... 
Retrospective this occurs since, hmm? years... 

All the best


Edited by Astra-Ios
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 Okay, so I loaded the default Cakewalk .KBN in the shortcut-editor to see what is happening
and now I understand what is going on...

Toggle Track Mute for selected track =  ALT+M
Toggle Track Solo for selected track =  ALT+S
Toggle Track Arm for selected track  =  ALT+R

Mute (for selected clip) =  K

ALT+M only sets the Mute Icon in the trackpane active (means, it should turn into a yellow Mute) in the track when it has been highlighted (select current track COMMA(,) before! Anyway, ALT+M also mutes the track, even if it's not highligted/selected      without setting the Mute Icon active, which seems to me a not really good idea. Maybe this is because of  the second mute option --> Mute = K ?

This occurs only in "Instrument Track" (which  I guess is   status quo for the most operatoers), not if the track is devided in Audio/MIDI.


'marked' Track       |   selected/highligted Track
mute   solo   rec     |   mute   solo  rec   
   -            x         x        |        x          x        x

- = no
x = yes

Edited by Astra-Ios
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