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Creating Doubled Vocals from Comp-Recording Takes. How?


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So, I’ve just done my first comp-recording of lead vocals. I did it in sections (verse, chorus, etc.) and recorded four-five takes of each section. They are on take lanes, from which I will mix/match to assemble the comp’d lead vocal track. 

It struck me that there would be useful unchosen takes that I could assemble into a secondary lead vocal track that I could use for vocal doubling at spots in the song.

What is the best way to approach this? One thing I’ve thought of is recording a selection of takes (different from the comp’d lead vocal) to an Aux Track to create a lead vocal double. Has anyone created a vocal double from previously unused vocal takes? Would be grateful to hear how you went about it. Thanks! 

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Yes, I double my lead vocals all the time. You would be better off creating an entirely separate track with the takes you want to use to double. It gives you more mixing control. I typically just copy the entire original track and include the audio in it, then delete those takes in the copied track I don't want or are used in the original track.

Also, you need to preview the doubled tracks with the main takes. Sometimes the best take isn't the best for doubling, due to timing, etc.

A few techniques I learned about doubling vocals are:

1) Preview the takes together when deciding on the keepers (see above)

2) Mix the double at a lower level than the main. They should add body, not compete for the 'stage' in your mix.

3) If a phrase ends with a consonant sound (t, p, etc) slip edit off that sound in one of the takes. Rarely are those timed well enough to sound good, and one will do it.

4) Don't double all your parts. Use the doubling to add dynamics to your mix, keep it interesting, and keep the momentum moving forward.

Good luck.

Edited by razor7music
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I was going to reply, but everything I do is in the first reply.  Sometimes, depending on the "keeper take", I may need to rerecord a double to have it match up perfectly, but generally I can use the outtakes of the main to cobble together a solid double on a second track.

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6 hours ago, sven450 said:

I was going to reply, but everything I do is in the first reply.  Sometimes, depending on the "keeper take", I may need to rerecord a double to have it match up perfectly, but generally I can use the outtakes of the main to cobble together a solid double on a second track.

If you had SPLAT, there is VocalSync too.

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20 hours ago, Keith Wilby said:

Turns out that I needed to put an authorisation code in even though it's free. All is well :)

Are you getting favorable results?  I must admit, I have this on my system but I use Softube's Fix Doubler more, I guess mostly out of habit.  That was a paid plugin but at the time I bought it it came with the Fix Flanger at $99.99 USD.


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Waves Ultrapitch comes to mind - different components to do 3 or 6 voices etc.

Each with pitch change, formant change like more femail/mail, or not, delay, gain of each voice and such.

So a tiny bit of harmony, just a touch - or not, just the formant to change EQ a bit not to get cancelling frequencies.

Part of the Gold bundle which probably is among the best value you can get in a campaign for like 40 plugs.

To just phatten up vocals Waves Doubler, also part of Gold bundle, is great too.

Place each double in stereo field and much more.

Edited by LarsF
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On 2/22/2020 at 12:04 PM, Billy86 said:

I have the Izotope vocal doubler and Waves ADT. I have a hard time getting them to sound right to my ears. They seem more like flanging the main vocal. Can’t figure out what I might be doing wrong. 

I don't think you are doing anything wrong.  If you want doubled vocals, it is just like guitar.  You really need to have another real take of the vocals.  Vocal doubling plug ins just are not the same, and often sounds chorus-y or flang-y.  Just sing it again.  It is always better.

That being said, I have used a tiny bit of the ADT and also tried a tiny bit of the doubler in the PX whatever vocal strip in Sonar with some decent results on main vocals.  But if you want full on doubled vox, go for two separate, individual takes.

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