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AZ Controller Preset for Novation LaunchControl XL

Heinz Hupfer

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Please do not use this preset anymore, I've made a complete new and better one:



Somebody asked me to make a AZ Controller Preset for the Novation LaunchControl, so here it is, the very first try!

First of all download and install AZController and send his wife some flowers please!

1. Download


2. Flowers for his wife



Link to the Files (also attached):


1. LC_StandAlone_Preset_1.syx for to send to the 1. UserPreset on the LC

2. LaunchControl_1.0 Preset for the AZController. Import in the Pluginmanager.


I have not used the written Buttons:

1. Send Select Up is to switch between Track and Bus Modus

2. Track Select Left and Right are to switch the Bank to the left and right.

3. Sliders 1-8 are Volume 1-8

4. Rotors 1-8 are Pan 1-8

5. Rotors 9-16 are Send 1 (1-8)

6. Rotor 17 is Master Volume (First Bus)

7. Rotor 18 is Value +/- (for example to rapidly change values in the event Inspector)

8. Rotor 19 is nothing yet

9. Rotor 20 is Track Select, but cause there are no Endless Rotors, Values 0-63 selects next Track, Values 64-127 selects previous track.

     (BCR2000) is much better with that finer resolution, but perhaps I can find out how to do it better with the LC.

10. Rotor 21 is Zoom Vertically In/Out

11. Rotor 22 is Zoom Horizontally In/Out

12. Rotor 23 is Jog, but Values 0-63 Jog to the right, 64-127 to the left.

13. Rotor 24 is Bar Next/Previous, but Values 0-63 is next bar, Values 64-127 is previous bar.

14. Buttons 1-8 are Solo Track 1-8 

15. Buttons 9-16 are Mute Track 1-8

16. Buttons Device, Mute, Solo and Record Arm are for switching the first 4 User Presets (not activated yet)


I have the BCR2000 with a lot of function and the LaunchControl just as an addition for ACT Controls (Presets 1-4),

but I hope - for people who only have the launch control - it will help.

For we have 3 more presets, I can add a lot of functions, perhaps for ACT, more sends, ProChannel a.s.o. (when I have time)






Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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Updated the first Preset to 1.1 :

1. Send Select Up is now a "Ctrl" Key 

2. Send Select Down is now a "Shift" Key 

3. Pressing the Shift Key and immediately the Ctrl Key switches between Bus or Track Focus

4. Pressing the Ctrl Key and immediately the Shift Key opens or closes the Multidock

5. Holding the Shift Key and then Pressing the Ctrl Key switches Multidock Tabs to the Left

6. Holding the Ctrl Key and then Pressing the Shift Key switches Multidock Tabs to the Right

7. Pressing the Shift Key twice activates "Shift_Lock" 
   (If the Track Select Right Button blinks, just press Shift again to unlock it).
8. Pressing Solo Buttons for more than 2 seconds is selecting track 1-8(Bank 1)

9. Pressing Shift and then immediately a Solo Button activates Automation Write on Track 1-8(Bank 1)

10. Pressing Shift and then use Pan is Send 2 on Track 1-8(Bank 1)

11. Pressing Shift and then use Send 1 is Send 1 Pan on Track 1-8(Bank 1)

12. Rotor 17 is Bus 1 (Master) Volume, with Shift it is Bus 2 Volume

13. With Shift, Shift_Lock, Sliders 1,3,5,7 are Send 1-4 of selected Track
    Slider 2,4,6,8 are Send Pan 1-4 of selected Track


So press Solo more than 2 seconds to select a track, then Shift(Send Select down) or shift twice.

Now Sliders 1-8 change Send 1-4  and Send 1-4 Pan.


I Think this is better than to Shift it on Pan and Send 1, so we have Rotors 9-16 free for other things, but first try it out...

So maybe I change Point 10 and 11, Rotors free for other things in the next version....

I have Master Bus always on 0 dB and a Mixbus before with a Send for Monitoring, with Rotor 17 I use the Send1 on the Mixbus and with Shift the Mixbus Volume.





LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-1.syx Changes_Log_1-1.txt LaunchControl_1.1.spp

Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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Updated to Version 1.2


1. Shift or Shift_Lock (SendSelectUp) + Mute 1-8 is now Record Arm 1-8 (Bank 1.....)

So we have now for Solo Buttons:

Solo, Automation Write enable, Select Track

For Mute Buttons:

Mute and Record Arm for Selected Track

More to come....



Changes_Log_1-2.txt LaunchControl_1.2.spp

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==================== Version 1.3 ====================


1. We now have 2 Presets:
    Preset 1_v3
    Preset 2_v3
    Upload them to the Launch Control
2. To switch between them use Device and Mute Button, 
    In Cakewalk in the settings-Midi-Play/Rec-SysX Forwarding must be enabled to LaunchControl

3. Fixed Record Arm Track 1 was always Track 1 and not Track 9 for example for Bank 2

     I'm trying to let the button turn to red if Record is armed. Don't know yet howto....

More functions to come with Preset 2, next is to change all ProChannel Parameters (Standard)



LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v3.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v3


Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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  • 1 month later...


New Preset 1.4 for AZController, new Launchcontrol presets 1_4 and 2_4.


==================== Version 1.4 ====================
1. Preset 1_4 and Preset 2_4 for Launch control XL
2. Preset 1.4 for AzControl
3. Switch between Presets (Track Control, ProChannel), Device and Mute (Launch Control)
    Colors changed, 
    Preset 1 Rotors 1-8 Green, Rotors 9-16 Orange, Rotors 17-24 Yellow
    Preset 2 
        Green  -     ProChannel EQ
        Red       -    ProChannel Compressor
        Yellow -     ProChannel Tube Saturator
        Orange -    ProChannel console Emulator
    Preset 2 
    Rotor 1 - LF Frequency
    Rotor 2 - LMF Frequency
    Rotor 3 - HMF Frequency
    Rotor 4    - HF Frequency
    Rotor 5 - Current Track Pan
    Rotor 6 - Compressor Ratio
    Rotor 7 - Tube Input
    Rotor 8 - Console Emulator Type
    Rotor 9 - LF Q
    Rotor 10 - LMF Q
    Rotor 11 - HMF Q
    Rotor 12 - HF Q
    Rotor 13 - Compressor Input
    Rotor 14 - Compressor Attack
    Rotor 15 - Tube Drive
    Rotor 16 - Console Emulator Trim
    Rotor 17 - LF Gain
    Rotor 18 - LMF Gain
    Rotor 19 - HMF Gain
    Rotor 20 - HF Gain
    Rotor 21 - Compressor Release
    Rotor 22 - Compressor Output
    Rotor 23 - Tube Out
    Rotor 24 - Console Emulator Drive
    S1 - HP Frequency
    S2 - HP Slope
    S3 - LP Slope
    S4 - LP Frequency
    S5 - Compressor Out
    S6 - Compressor Dry/Wet
    S7 - Tube Out
    S8 - Selected Track Volume
    B1 - LF ON/OFF
    B2 - LMF ON/OFF
    B3 - HMF ON/OFF
    B4 - HF ON/OFF
    B5 - Compressor ON/OFF
    B6 - EQ ON/OFF
    B7 - Tube ON/OFF
    B8 - Console Emulator ON/OFF
    B9 - EQ HP ON/OFF
    B10 - EQ LP ON/OFF
    B11 - EQ LowShelf Enable
    B12 - EQ Hishelf Enable
    B13 - EQ Gloss
    B14 - Tube Type
    B15 - Console Emulator Tolerance
    B16 - Selected Track Solo
    Send Select and Track Select is nothing yet, Device switches to Preset 1 and Mute switches to Preset 2.





Changes_Log_1-4.txt LaunchControl_1.4.spp LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v4.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v4.syx

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  • 2 weeks later...



==================== Version 1.6 ====================

1. 4 Presets now (1-4) on Launch Control

2. Upload StandAlone Presets 1-4 to LaunchControl XL 1-4

3. Device (1), Mute (2), Solo (3) and RecordArm (4) are switching the 4 presets.

4. Now the presets have a light, so you can see which preset you are on.

5. Preset 3 and 4 have no controls yet, more to come.....

6. Import LaunchControl_1.6 to the AZController


So what to do with the 2 new presets? ACT? 24Channel Mode (24 tracks volume and Pan)? A few switches to start, stop, edit commands, midi record?





Changes_Log_1-6.txt LaunchControl_1.6.spp LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_3-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_4-v6.syx

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  • 3 weeks later...




==================== Version 1.7 ====================
1. Preset 3 is now ACT Control
2. 24 Rotors, 8 Sliders and 16 Buttons for ACT
3. Send Select Up is "Ctrl", Send Select Down is "Shift" as in the other presets!
4. Track Select Left is "Open previous FX bin" (Previous Plugin) for ACT, Track Select Right is "Open Next FX bin" (Next Plugin) for ACT
5. Device (1), Mute (2), Solo (3) and RecordArm (4) are switching the 4 presets.

6. Preset 1-4 to upload to Launchcontrol (important)


Presets on Launch Control with AZController

1. Track Preset
2. ProChannel Preset
3. ACT Preset 

If you need more ACT Controls I can set another 48 Controls with Shift_Lock




Changes_Log_1-7.txt LaunchControl_1.7.spp LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_3-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_4-v6.syx

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2 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:




==================== Version 1.7 ====================
1. Preset 3 is now ACT Control
2. 24 Rotors, 8 Sliders and 16 Buttons for ACT
3. Send Select Up is "Ctrl", Send Select Down is "Shift" as in the other presets!
4. Track Select Left is "Open previous FX bin" (Previous Plugin) for ACT, Track Select Right is "Open Next FX bin" (Next Plugin) for ACT
5. Device (1), Mute (2), Solo (3) and RecordArm (4) are switching the 4 presets.

6. Preset 1-4 to upload to Launchcontrol (important)


Presets on Launch Control with AZController

1. Track Preset
2. ProChannel Preset
3. ACT Preset 

If you need more ACT Controls I can set another 48 Controls with Shift_Lock




Changes_Log_1-7.txt 5.91 kB · 0 downloads LaunchControl_1.7.spp 224.83 kB · 0 downloads LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v6.syx 417 B · 0 downloads LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v6.syx 417 B · 0 downloads LC_StandAlone_Preset_3-v6.syx 417 B · 0 downloads LC_StandAlone_Preset_4-v6.syx 417 B · 0 downloads


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Thanks so much, Bassman. I think that your presets are now better than the ones set up for Ableton Live, in terms of functionality. (and the lights work, which is a great help too.) :-)

Really great stuff for sharing this with the Cakewalk community.

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  • 5 months later...

This looks super but I'm have not purchased the Novation Launch Control XL yet so i'm a little fuzzy on what's going on. From what I'm seeing, it sounds like I cannot just match a parameter in CW with a knob or slider and using the "learn" function in CW the way I do with my MIDI sliders on my Radium keyboard? 

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@Michael Graetzer

It's not that easy. You can "learn" the functions, but you have to repeat that on every startup. In AZController or too in ACT Controller or Generic Interface it is saved or fixed. The most possibilities you have with the AZController Plugin.


Don't use this preset here, cause I adapted it from an BCR2000 Preset, so the colors for example are not used and a lot of functions do not work like on the BCR.


I've made a complete new preset for the LaunchControl XL:

Almost finished, I do "Bug" fixing at the moment and on working with it I do change some functions or delete or add them for smoother working.

I'm now on Display to see what's going on when using some Rotor, Slider or Button, but you can always download the latest version of it.






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  • 2 years later...

Hi Bassman,

I have the LCXL and everything seems to work perfectly thanks to your huge work (thank you !). But I need your help because I can't find the Gain Access mode ?. Or maybe someone has the answer?

Thank you for your help


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Just Double Press the "Mute" Button (2 times within 400 msec.) . You can see the Mute and Solo States on the Button Leds, press Shift or Ctrl (Track Select left and right or double press "Record Arm" and "Solo" Buttons (my favorites))  to see other states of the selected tracks.

Double Press Device Button and with Shift you can see more options in the List, LP is long Press, SP Short Press and DP Double Press!

The first 8 Cells are the Buttons on the right, then the 24 Rotors, a line of other Infos, the Faders and the Buttons, for example in the first row down the 13th cell you can see the actual measure of the Play Cursor, Use the 1. Fader in Normal Mode (Device and Mute" Buttons not blinking) and you can see it rising, the right cell to the right are the names of the markers)

If you press the GainAccess Button you can see the Fader Values and the names of the selected Tracks!  I think you'll love this list if you work with it, especially very helpful with the ACT Mode and Plugins or the ProChannel Mode (Long Press "Mute" Button, you can see the values of the controls and don't have to open ProChannel to see what happens in the EQ or Compressor! Have fun;)

(Double Press "Device" Button to see the list, Double Press "Mute" Button and you can see the values of the ProChannel of the selected Track. Then press "Send Select Down/Up" to switch to the next/previous track and the values are changing (hopefully;)), so no need to open ProChannel, just work with the list!

Please read the documents, there are a lot of informations in it. I have not actualized it for a long time, so if you can find wrong things please correct it ans send it to me! Thanks;)

Nice that someone uses this Preset. I know it's completely overloaded but I just wanted to show the possibilities of AZController.


Cause I  switched to Reaper (massive Midi Glitches in CbB caused me to work with another DAW!), I do use Cakewalk just for older Projects.

I love CbB, but since I have to work a lot with Midi  it's sometimes a mess to work with and I'm very happy with Reaper at the moment and made a similar Controller Preset with ReaLearn  in Reaper so I have almost the same Controller:)


Gain Access Mode is the most used Mode I think, so just write if you have Problems!

Some things don't work correctly, especially the Edit cursor in CbB do sometimes work and sometimes not, that's very buggy in CbB and it was in Cakewalk!


Have fun with the preset!






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Hi Bassman,

Thank you so much for your help and your detailed answer. I now have to learn to use it and the gain access mode seems to me the best to start. I'm really impressed with all the work you've done, thanks.

I can understand why you switched to Reaper, the glitches with MIDI with CbB is sometimes really annoying. 

PS: you're Deantown cover on YT is amazing!


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If you start with Gain Access Mode, there's no Gain Knob anymore, I so often accidentically changed Gains so that I decided to have it only in Level Mode. (Long Press "Solo" Button)

You can see here this Mode: Shows the Level of the selected Track in Stereo. Shortly before the Red lights is -18 dB, the Sweet Spot. You can then change the Gain of the following 7 Channels too...sometimes we have the same Audiomaterial on a lot of tracks, so Gain Staging is a bit quicker:)


The Rotors 1-8 in Gain Access Mode now have a new AZController Function to save and recall Positions for that CbB Session.

Go to a positon and move one of the 8 Rotors all the way to the left. 

If you then want to recall this position, just activate GA-Mode and push the Rotor all the way to the right. So you have 8 Positions to Save and Recall, but it's not saved with the project!

It was not documented, just updated the Word and Pdf Files a few minutes ago.

Everything else is fine in the documents I hope;)



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