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Start screen hourglass


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I'm annoyed with a never ending wheel shaped hourglass (not sure what to call it) in the start screen. What could be causing this? It doesn't turn into the arrow/hand that it used to be. It just keeps spinning. Apparently this doesn't do any harm and projects open as usual. But it surely is annoying. Anyone else having this?

Edited by lmu2002
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The hour glass is indicating that some process is going on, something is continuing to load etc. When, exactly, does this occur?

It might be useful to disable start up apps to see if it is caused by any apps that load at windows start. Open task manager, select start up tab, untick any programmes that have nothing to do music production then restart. If this stops the hourglass, go into task manager again and enable apps one by one and see which app causes it.

If it does not stop the behaviour with all apps disabled, it could be Cakewalk, check settings etc or return them to default.

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Thanks guys! The crazy cursor relaxes when I open a project, close it and then go back to the start screen. I have nothing but Avast stuff in the start up tab, which have been there for ages. I wouldn't see them as the culprit here. And hard to bypass.

I realize the system is busy doing something. The cursor wheel also keeps spinning when I go to preferences menu, if straight from start screen. It even hung Cakewalk completely once when I changed settings in the asio panel (directly from start screen). Didn't try other settings as it froze requiring a reboot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed that Cakewalk freezes if I don't choose a project within a minute in the start screen. I bypassed any internet security software with no help. When monitored in Task manager Cakewalk keeps adding something into memory in small chunks (4Mb or so every sec.) while the start screen is on.

Edited by lmu2002
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  • 3 months later...

I experience the same issue on the startup screen.  Just as lmu2002 describes in his post.  This clued me in to check the task manager and found that the ram usage continues to  increase and the mouse cursor makes the blue circle.  I can only access projects if I load them within a short window of launching cakewalk.  Any other software I run on this computer (not while running cakewalk) is fast and without error.

Is this a known software bug in the current version of cakewalk bandlab?  And, what is the fix for this issue?  I'm running windows 10 pro build 1909 and cakewalk current release version 2020.05 build  039. HELP! Please. TIA

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  • 3 months later...

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