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Harrison Mixbus V6 released

Larry Shelby

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Upgrade From Mixbus (any version)
to Mixbus32C V6!

You are receiving this email because you purchased a prior version of Mixbus.
Our upgrade policy allows you to upgrade to Mixbus32C v6 for only $149!

Mixbus32C is Harrison's upgraded version of Mixbus with
Harrison's 32C EQ and a more comprehensive bus system.

Mixbus32C now has better
support for smaller video monitors!

If you've been waiting to upgrade, this is your chance!

Nik explains what's new in v6!

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Upgrade Today!

Get 32C V6 Now

Mixbus32C V6 Retail $349

Your Upgrade Price Just $149

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4 minutes ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

I looked for the regular version update and couldn't find one. I like the regular version enough to keep updating it. Otherwise, I would have to pay the full price which is a considerable bit higher than what I pay to upgrade. The midi is still far from where it needs to be and with NO notation I just can't invest in 32c. 

There is no update to Standard 5 at this point Syd...just 32c

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Hm, that's it?

I hope it is only kind of ctrl-c/v mistake not an attempt to multiply artificially the same thing to get bigger numbers.

I don't like such marketing practices. 

Unfortunately for instance a good know manufacturer did it with number of amps claimed and 'implemented' .

So instead of switching a channel in amp we need to load another 'amp' which is the same amp but different channel, madness :(  Workflow killer...

But they can 'claim' they have 239 'models' thanks to that trick... Ech...  Marketing/PR guys... Did it really matter for us if there were 'only' 169 but with workflow closer to real thing and switching channels by mouse click (like in older versions as well, sick)?



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29 minutes ago, Piotr said:


Hm, that's it?

I hope it is only kind of ctrl-c/v mistake not an attempt to multiply artificially the same thing to get bigger numbers.

I don't like such marketing practices. 

Unfortunately for instance a good know manufacturer did it with number of amps claimed and 'implemented' .

So instead of switching a channel in amp we need to load another 'amp' which is the same amp but different channel, madness :(  Workflow killer...

But they can 'claim' they have 239 'models' thanks to that trick... Ech...  Marketing/PR guys... Did it really matter for us if there were 'only' 169 but with workflow closer to real thing and switching channels by mouse click (like in older versions as well, sick)?



Talking about OVERLOUD by any chance? ;)

I use to hate that, same amp but to get different channel you had to load another amp instead of just switching channel. Anyway doesn't bother me anymore, I just sold TH2/TH3/TH-U and all my Rig Libraries, there was always something 'off' about the 'TH's' but I kept upgrading etc, in the end they just don't sound as near as good as other options, and the Rig models were ok at first, but even they aren't really that good, there is way better sounding stuff available.

Edited by ensconced
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1 hour ago, ensconced said:

Talking about OVERLOUD by any chance? ;)

I use to hate that, same amp but to get different channel you had to load another amp instead of just switching channel.

Yep, it is so so annoying... Common sense defeated by a kind of ridiculous idea to make bigger numbers for marketing.. :(

Or maybe I should stop complain otherwise they will 'implement' different amps for every gain knob position to have thousands of 'amps' ? :)

1 hour ago, ensconced said:

Anyway doesn't bother me anymore, I just sold TH2/TH3/TH-U and all my Rig Libraries, there was always something 'off' about the 'TH's' but I kept upgrading etc, in the end they just don't sound as near as good as other options, and the Rig models were ok at first, but even they aren't really that good, there is way better sounding stuff available.

What are you considering to be good now if I may ask you? ;)

I am still at stage when I like RIGs very much... And also some of those crippled 'amps'

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