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The Great Hi-Hat Controversy of 2020!

The question is, if you hadn't mentioned it, would anyone have picked it out as an issue?

I'd say probably yes. Good news, it's not sibilant, at least not that I can hear anyway.

I'd drop them hi hats half a db during all vocal sections, and because it's just a bit too far panned right in my opinion, is it over 60%? . . .I dunno, just a guess there . . .  it would stick out in the mix less if you swung it back to center a bit, maybe no more than 30% right. ??????? And you could always eq more low end off of them to make them less present.


Put that in your hi hat and smoke it! ?

Did I forget anything??? Oh yeah, it's a great song, I love the positivity and the groove. And your vocals were wonderfully delivered.




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Hi everyone . . . you may recall I posted this song earlier this month, and was having trouble with the Hi Hat sitting in the mix right, well, thanks to some great suggestions here I've upload a new mix with a totally redone Hi Hat, different hat, panned closer to center, some open hat additions, no breaks between sections, and a few other mix tweaks. Thanks to all who listened and commented, it is greatly appreciated.


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