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Midi fader, gain(velocity offset), pan, chorus, reverb - this big resource how it works!!!!!


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EDIT: Look further down for experiments how it works.

Looking through manual and searching forum I fail to find any info on this.

In Cubase a midi fader is inactive if channel is set to Any.

If set to channel 1-16 fader send CC#07.


Have tried various ways in Cakewalk 2020.1 to do anything like that to midi when sent to instrument.

Manual states just that it do this and that - but no, it does nothing what I could find with a midi monitor(Tencrazy TrackDiag).

How is this done?

I tried set a midi channel, I tried the rightclicking stuff, but no clue what this Value and stuff do.

Under what conditions do these operate?


Edited by LarsF
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As I'm sure you know, MIDI Gain (Velocity Offset) is not a controller message. It will be applied to all notes in a track dynamically during playback, regardless of what channel they're on or what output channel is being forced by the Channel setting on the track. The Channel widget, labeled 'C', is visible when the Track Control Manager at the top of the Tracks pane is set to 'All' or 'I/O'.

MIDI Volume, Pan, Chorus and Reverb controls are disabled by default until they've been moved. The disabled state is indicated by parentheses around the value  displayed in the widget.  This allows messages embedded in the MIDI track to take precedence.

If no output Channel is set, Cakewalk will default to sending the relevant CC messages for these controls on channel 1 whenever you move them  and every time playback starts. If you set a specific output channel, the messages will be sent with that channel.

Edited by David Baay
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Thanks for tip on parenthesis that showed that I touched volume and Vel+.

So i checked further - and it works towards the instrument - but the midi monitor I used seems to track data right from track before Cakewalk does that extra processing, weird?

Have to look at flow chart how signal goes again for midi plugins on midi tracks....

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So to figure this out - I made a midi loopback and looked at a midi monitor on a receiving track, since what comes out from FX bay is not the last say on what is sent.

Track you operate on, the midi track, need not be echo=on.

If settings have zero controllers on stop, pw, mw and sustain pedal plus zero controllers(cc 121) is sent at stop - on every midi channel 1-16.

Vel+(Gain) - most consistent workings, always modify velocity accordingly.

Latch type

midi Reverb, chorus - once touched they are sent every start of transport on channel sent on. To turn off rightclick and Disable control. Then it stops. Also send realtime when altering value, transort running or not.

Momentary type

Pan(cc 10) - when touched sent once at transport start, and realtime while moving as transport run or not. 

Vol(CC 7) - when touched sent once, and realtime while moving as transport run or not.


Both momentary are sent on transport start, once one is touched, those that are not disabled.

So touching any vol or pan  is sending the other if touched before at each transport start - once.

Disabled on rightclick menu Disable control.

Status of disabled or not can only be seen on these in midi track panel, having these visible with parenthesis around value.

All above are done after midi FX bay - so not seen on a midi monitor loaded.


Rightclick menu on control, rev, chor, vol, pan

Value -> Set Start to = Current

Value -> Set End to = Current

Value -> Set Snap to = Current

No clue what these does and meant to do.

EDIT: seems these are to do with grouping - from manual

"The Set Start = Current and Set End = Current commands set the range of motion that a grouped control moves through as the other members of the group move through their starting and ending values. You don’t have to designate a group as a custom group to create a custom group—just group some controls and set their starting and ending values."

Edited by LarsF
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