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Harrison Announce Mixbus 6

Larry Shelby

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2 hours ago, Tony Carpenter said:

I have version 5... not seeing anything different in that video, unless I'm blind. Time to look on the site I guess :). It didn't impress me so far.

But, but, but... Tony... Didn't you notice '6' number at the beginning of video? ?

They have just given the most important sneak peak that version 6 will have number 6 ?

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Because Mixbus is in fact customized Ardour one can find a little 'sneak peaks' what was planned in pages of Ardour devs,

They are not new but published after release 5.12 which is the latest one.




Edited by Piotr
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Ardour has had plugin latency compensation dating back to almost the first release of the program. But that compensation was limited to tracks (not busses), and didn't cover other cases where latency is introduced into signal flow. Robin (Dr. Gareus to the rest of us) redesigned almost every aspect of the core of Ardour's processing code to now provide latency compensation everywhere. This isn't like some DAWs in which "more things now work". Latency is now compensated for no matter where it happens, completely and always.


That reads to me as Aux Buses will now have Latency compensation. If true, YAY!

Edited by Bapu
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