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Splash Pro - FREE

Larry Shelby

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The tutorial/demo videos do look pretty good albeit within limitations. It can even generate Male/Female synthesised vocals which sound OK (I thought the male sounded better than the female).

FYI they want your email address and the download checks out clean on Virustotal.

Will investigate further later... 

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Algorithmic composition has been a toy of the academics for almost as long as there have been computers. I expect it will not be long before AI is generating Grammy-winning hits on a regular basis. I  would not be surprised if it is not already be doing so in some genres. Musicians seem to believe that "human" creativity is the only source of music, and that they have nothing to fear from automation. That is what physicians and lawyers were thinking until the end of the last century, when applications that can replace much of their cognitive, not just mundane or routine or repetitive) labor started to arrive. Music, especially popular music, by its nature lends itself to a system that can discover the basic structure of a piece that makes it popular and generate dozens of related variations in milliseconds. It has been used to not only create the arguably more difficult feats of "classical music" composition, but to produce a reasonable facsimile of famous composer's styles. You might as well buy in now, but realize that the ultimate winners are likely to be geeks with access to supercomputers. If you can repair electronics maybe you can be a roadie in the future.

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