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CbB and Touch Screen


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Why is touch-screen support not completed?

Except for the track view, the piano roll view and the tempo view, I can operate everything with the touch-screen. What is the problem with making the rest work?

Am I the only one who wants that?

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The main answer is that touch isn't much used by active users.

I'm one of the folks who has a touch screen and folks do use it for various things. Many of us let them track what we use touch for. I guess it proves to be not all that much.


I have liked touch for silently making adjustments in the room with the performers.

The ten finger touch thing is kinda cool where you can move more than one fader at once. Still, I don't use it often. Most of the touch stuff I do is one or two touch points at a time.

To tell the truth, it has fallen from my attention. I have no desire to try to modify envelopes with touch.

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Touch is best for controlling larger movements and unless you have a 3 foot screen many functions are just too small.  It is best used within a system of keys, keyboard and mouse (which is more precise for smaller changes).  I prefer the mouse for envelopes, keyboard for numbers and naming and touch for other aspects.  If extremely large touchscreens become more affordable, more functions can be take on via touch.   touch is great for synths and some hardware emulations.

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I use a touch screen all the time it would be nice to have a little more control though. The pitch and mod by sliding your finger up and down on a key on the onscreen midi keyboard is  awesome.  It's the best onscreen keyboard I've found in a DAW.

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