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AudioVitamins everything 40% off (Life for £0.40 (MSRP £25) )


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AudioVitamins : 40% off on all plugins except Life (98% off on that one)

To celebrate my 40th birthday I’m giving away my plugin Life for only 40p. The phaser, ping pong delay, stereo widening, tremolo, chorus tool that can create subtle movement to all sorts crazy different effects, also works in mid-side mode for extra creativity, is on sale at this stupidly cheap price until the end of January!!
Life is now only 40p, (£0.40) normally £25 thats a massive 98.4% off and everything else is 40% off


Re: Life...



Sometimes when we’re mixing or writing music, we are looking for something to give a track a little lift, other times we need to take a sample and give it a bit of sweetening, to make it fit properly with the rest of the mix. This is where Life stems from, being able to add a little bit of magic and movement to a track makes it come alive that little bit more.

Need to double tracked guitars and want them to sound as if they were played separately without a standard delay or a uniformly applied pitch adjustment, Life can take a mono guitar and send it to both left and right, applying small amounts of pitch and amplitude modulations to make them sound uniquely recorded and more importantly filling up the mix.

Checkout the video below for examples of what Life can do to samples and tracks.


Edited by TheSteven
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  • TheSteven changed the title to AudioVitamins Life for £0.40 (MSRP £25) everything else 40% off

Oops ?,  sorry Tom i didn't see it.
and it's even still listed on page 1 of threads.

Must mean I need a refill on the caffeine .
Please consider this a notice that everything else is 40% off.
I've edited OP of this thread to reflect that.

Edited by TheSteven
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  • TheSteven changed the title to AudioVitamins everything 40% off (Life for £0.40 (MSRP £25) )

Haha no worries, I’m a newbie anyway and yeah forgot to mention there’s 40% off on other plugs


*be aware though, I bought his other plugin Structure during Black Friday and though it’s a really useful plugin it causes Reaper and Ableton to crash if ever you try to remove it as a VST. Asked dev and he said he was aware of issue. Didn’t mention anything about a fix though so I have since uninstalled, wasn’t worth the hassle

Edited by tom
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