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Update Request : Settings of Meter and Key Signatures


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Hi, I don't know if this have been discussed already but I'd like to ask for an update on Settings of Meter and Key Signatures, specially for changing multiple key signatures at one time!
I've been transcribing music to score and the first thing I do is set tempo and meter, so melody will match audio music. But if I've forgotten to set the key signature I'll have to do it one by one in some cases! :/

At least an alternative to toggle from one Meter/Key change to another without closing the dialog box that would be great! 

Best regards

Edited by mgustavo
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Have you tried using copy special/paste special and only selecting meter/key ?

That way you can just paste them where you want on the timeline.

If "Use Paste Special Options on Paste" is checked within Preferences->Customization->Editing, then you only need to use the Paste Special dialog once to set it to only paste Meter/Key.  After that, you can use CTRL + V multiple times to paste the same meter/key exactly where you want on the timeline.

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Hi, msmcleod! Thanks for the tip!
I'll give this a try!

But it happens that meter and key signatures are part of the same change point, and there are tunes (from amateur singers specially) with many meter changes, but on the same key signature (if it was possible to only paste special key signatures it would be cool!)

But I guess this tip will help on the job!

Edited by mgustavo
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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I'd like to update this thread by adding some information related to Copy and Paste Special on Meter and Key Signatures.

It happens that on some intricate tunes Paste Special will delete the next meter/key change. This happens with apparently no logic as some paste special will work fine, but most part will delete the next meter/key change.


Measure 2 - Ab - 2/4 <--
Measure 3 - Ab - 3/4
Measure 5 - Ab - 2/4

Expected result

Measure 2  - Ab  - 4/4  
Measure 3 - Ab - 3/4
Measure 5 - Ab - 2/4

Actual result

Measure 2 - Ab - 4/4  
Measure 5 - Ab - 2/4


Maybe this is a known issue or maybe I'm missing something?

Any help will be much appreciated!

Best regards


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Hi, chuckebaby! Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try!

The only thing is I don't want to change melody, for example, but only key/meter settings. I wonder how is that possible, as I belive Ripple editing will do the trick by moving clips. Actually I only do basic operations with RE, but I'm going to read user's guide a bit more!

Best regards

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  On 4/15/2020 at 1:59 PM, mgustavo said:

Hi, chuckebaby! Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try!

The only thing is I don't want to change melody, for example, but only key/meter settings. I wonder how is that possible, as I belive Ripple editing will do the trick by moving clips. Actually I only do basic operations with RE, but I'm going to read user's guide a bit more!

Best regards


thats a good question and your right.

However i noticed me personally using meter key changes to be a little tough to understand. thats me anyway

but i have used them successfully in entering meter key changes before, after, in between other meter key changes, The thing to keep in mind that most people forget is once you make that one meter key change, you almost always have to make another one a few bars after to return to original meter key.

I had a huge discussion about this a few months back  but cant find the D post.

heres a video that might help though that i did.


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Hi, chuckebaby! Yes, I also do this procedure of creating a meter/key change to return to previous meter/key. Thanks for the feedback!

In relation to OP, by coincidence, I was using different time signatures on the same tune while transposing amateur songs to music staff, but my boss said some clients didn't like that, so I'm trying to make simpler scores!

Best regards


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  On 4/17/2020 at 5:17 PM, mgustavo said:

Hi, chuckebaby! Yes, I also do this procedure of creating a meter/key change to return to previous meter/key. Thanks for the feedback!

In relation to OP, by coincidence, I was using different time signatures on the same tune while transposing amateur songs to music staff, but my boss said some clients didn't like that, so I'm trying to make simpler scores!

Best regards



totally hear what you are saying buddy.

Wish i had some helpful things for you, Lets hope Copy/paste meter key gets a brush up in the future updates. Been a while since i tried to use that. Let me see what i can find.

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