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Neo Piano Upright Grand


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I found a demo version of some of their stuff on vst4free.com

Looking at the binary it claims to be using something called the CK Engine


Neo Piano is made with CK_Engine
Click to contact the Programmer:Chris Kerry

Which I'm guessing is this:


So not Synthedit anymore.  I'd still avoid though.

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Going against all medical,   psychological, and moral advice, I went ahead and got Neo Piano/ installed it (18.4GB).  There are 5 piano's included and the registration process is a bit of a pain (once the initial VST is installed, then I had to email the developer my machine ID that generated by the VST and then they sent me the 'key codes' for each instrument).

Not being a pianist or very knowledgeable in pianos, I do like the sounds of each piano and they all have their own characteristics.   The tones  can be customized to suit your fancy, but generally not very bright (like the EZ Keys Grand). However,  you can adjust that in the Key Dynamics section and make it brighter.  The included reverb isn't all that, but then again I have some good reverbs in my toolbox.

Overall, I'm happy with what I paid for this and will try to use it    in a track....of course, it may not be your cup of tea or up to your standards.  

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