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Spark 2 Upgrade

Larry Shelby

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Spark 2 was in V Collection 4 and then dropped for Collection 5+.  They did release some bug fixes for Spark 2 not too long ago (a surprise because every one thought it was dead).  It's the only thing from Collection 4 I still have installed.  It's actually pretty cool, if you have any interest in drum machines/beats/dance music.

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I joined V Coll at version 6 so no Dubstep or cheap upgrade for me :( 

Funnily enough I bought Spark EDM on a JRR special for $20 a couple of years ago and sold it because I never used it (although I did like the sounds and how it operated).

Kinda wished I had hung onto it now as Spark 2 looks impressive and I would probably have got a cheap upgrade.


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